
Unlocking Success: 8 Exceptional Landing Page Examples And Why They Work

Compared to other types of signup forms, landing pages have a 160% higher conversion rate. But how do you design a landing page that can drive the desired result? 

A sign of a great landing page would be one that can entice a visitor to take some action on the page.

In this post, we will define different landing page sections, what elements to include, and also study the top landing page examples to get inspired from. 

But before that, let’s understand the basic difference between a landing page and a web page.

What Is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a standalone web page designed to persuade users to undertake certain actions, such as signing up for a form or downloading a resource material.

On the other hand, a web page such as the home page or pricing page is designed for explorations where visitors can browse and learn more about your business. 

Generally, a landing page is linked to a marketing campaign, email campaign, social media, or search engine advertising. The purpose of a landing page is to direct visitors towards a single call to action and convert visitors into leads or customers.

This helps convert prospects faster, lowering the cost of acquiring a lead or a sale.

Key Elements of a Successful Landing Page

How do you differentiate a great landing page from a mediocre one? While not all landing pages look the same, a few elements make a landing page more effective than others.

Let me break it down for you. 

#1. Headline

For any landing page, having a headline is important. The headline sets the tone for the rest of the content and gives users an idea of what the brand is about. 

Thus, your landing page headline should be short, crisp, and instantly grab the reader’s attention. Ideally, the headline should be ten words or under.

Take a cue from PhonePe, an Indian Digital Wallet & Online Payment App that allows you instantly transfer money. 

landing page headline example

In just three words, the brand has conveyed what it does. 

#2. Images or Videos

Another way to entice prospects into subscribing to your brand is by using images or videos on your landing pages. These elements act as a visual representation of what your product or service looks like.

They also save you from writing copious amounts of text and immediately capture the user’s attention. 

If you decide to use graphic elements on your landing pages, ensure they are high-quality, large-sized, and relevant to your company.

Read also: The Definitive Landing Page A/B Testing Guide [With Ideas & Case Studies]

#3. Call to Action

The call to action (CTA) is the most critical element of your landing page. 

It persuades visitors to your website to undertake actions such as signing up or subscribing to your brand. 

Thus, ensure that the call to action button or tab is located so that the user can find it instantly. It is best to use contrasting colors to make your CTA stand out.

Second, make sure that you do not include multiple CTAs all directed toward different actions. It will only confuse your visitors. 

In the same example, PhonePe has only one action, asking its visitors to download the app. 

how to use CTA on a landing page example

#4. Testimonials

By using social proof, you can further convince prospects about the authenticity of your brand. It also shows that other people have bought the product or service you are promoting and their experience using it. 

You can either use videos, awards received from reputed organizations, quotes from customers, or display a count of the number of signups received from clients. 

One example from Magic Flask offers a creative take on a customer feedback video. It captures taste testers’ actual reactions to the Magic Flask in real-time. 

A video testimonial like that can certainly pique consumers’ interests. 

#5. Unique Selling Proposition

To get the maximum conversions, you must convince prospects that your product is the best. This is known as your brand’s USP or unique selling proposition. Your USP defines your brand and what differentiates it from its competitors. 

Your landing page can describe your brand’s USP by explaining why your product differs from others and how clients will benefit from it. 

Make sure that the USP is not too long and conveys the message clearly.

Here’s how Hiut Denim Co. does it. 

USP example on a landing page by Hiut Denim Co.

It can be tough to stand out if you are a denim manufacturer, given the number of competitors in the market. However, Hiut Denim Co. interestingly uses a winning USP on their landing page: “Do one thing well.”

They simply implied that they make jeans and nothing else so that the consumer can be guaranteed high-quality products. 

Read also: 20 Of The Best Product Landing Page Examples Online

7 Awesome Landing Page Examples and Why They Work

So far, we have explored the basics of landing pages and why they are important for your business. In this section, we will take a look at some amazing landing pages, and what makes these landing pages stand out.

#1. Uber

Uber drive landing page

Uber is a US-based transportation conglomerate that lets individuals book taxis or order food using its mobile app. 

Uber earns the badge of the best landing page examples because it has managed to cover every aspect of a good landing page in its ‘above the fold’ section itself. 

It’s clear from its crisp headline that if you want to become an Uber driver, all you have to do is just sign up. 

This landing page by Uber is doing a great job at attracting people to sign up for its cab aggregator services by becoming independent business owners in partnership with the app.

Let’s break down its elements in detail. 

What makes the page stand out?

Here is what makes this landing page the best out of the lot:

  • Main Headline: The headline at the top is short, crisp, and to the point. Users can quickly understand that the company is looking for drivers for its cab aggregator services.
  • Provides Value: With the brief description below the main headline, Uber can easily convince people to join the organization. It mentions how flexible Uber is for drivers, so they can earn on their own schedule.
  • Large Visuals: Uber’s landing page has a high-quality image of a woman driving a car. Moreover, the image is large-sized and covers almost half the landing page, ensuring that visitors get that visual appeal as soon as they land on the page.
  • CTA: The sign-up button makes it simple and quick for users to sign up and become part of Uber’s large team of cab drivers. People don’t have to scroll down to the end of the page or look anywhere else to sign up.

#2. Conversion Lab

High performing landing pages by ConversionLab

Conversion Lab is an eCommerce brand that helps businesses optimize their landing pages using SEO-friendly practices and A/B testing. 

Here, the website’s home page also acts as the landing page. It is minimalistic, without too much text or images, and clearly conveys the company’s goals.

Further, they have smartly focused on one CTA on the entire page – ‘Get my free consult.’

Conversionlab landing page example

What makes the page stand out?

Here are a few elements that make Conversion Lab’s landing page successful:

  • Main Headline: The headline of the landing page clearly conveys the benefit of using their service. Besides, the one-line description after that makes it clear what the company is all about, the services it provides, and how it provides value to its clients.
  • CTA: The call to action button is located right at the center of the landing page and states what users can get by signing up. The mention of the term ‘free’ makes it even more compelling for users to check out Conversion Lab’s services.
  • Data: If you scroll down the page, you will see a few statistics. The mention of statistics such as ‘+36% in the last 6 months’ and ‘-24% in the last 6 months’ reinforces the idea that the brand is authentic and has benefitted clients in the past.
  • Sign-Up Window: Once you click on the CTA button, a sign-up form appears, asking you to provide your contact details and request a callback. Rather than opening a new tab or window, the sign-up form appears on the home screen, making it convenient to register.
  • Client Testimonials: When the sign-up window opens, you can also see customer reviews in the left-hand corner. Using images of clients and their experience with the brand makes the landing page even more persuasive and boosts lead generation.


IDFC First Bank is an Indian private sector bank offering comprehensive personal banking services, including personal loans, investments, payments, etc.

IDFC First Bank highlights the high-interest rate for senior citizens, and the color of their CTA button grabs your attention immediately. 

Also, isn’t the video on loop a cool visual element? 

What makes the page stand out?

Below are the key aspects of IDFC First Bank’s landing page that make it effective:

  • Video: The landing page shows a senior citizen sitting calmly on his chair, primarily depicting his satisfaction with the IDFC First FD interest rate. The short video or loop image is excellent at grabbing attention.
  • Attention to Detail: The landing page provides detailed information on its product – types of fixed deposits, their benefits, interest rates, how to apply, and on top of it, they also added a calculator for consumers to understand how much they will earn after the maturity period. 
  • FAQs: The landing page ensures that all your doubts are answered by providing an FAQ section at the end of the page. It helps address any queries users may have before signing up without needing to contact IDFC Bank’s support team.
  • CTA: They have uniformly maintained a single CTA throughout a page, ‘Book Now,’ at every section. In the beginning, they also inserted ‘Download the app’ just in case a person wants to access the bank’s services using their app. 

#4. Casper

Casper - solid landing page with an appropriate image example

The fourth best landing page we have is that of Casper. It is an eCommerce brand that sells online and in-store sleep products. In this example, Casper promotes the brand’s message without too much text.

By looking at the image, one can easily guess what Casper sells.

What makes the page stand out?

Here is what makes Casper’s landing page effective:

  • Visuals: Casper does not need too much text to describe what products it sells. The image of the person lying on the mattress is enough to show that the company deals in sleep-related products.
  • CTA: The call-to-action button ‘Shop the mattresses’ is situated right in the center of the page. Users don’t have to head to another window or scroll down to the end to head to Casper’s online store.
  • Social Proof: Casper shows that it is a reputable brand selling high-quality products. The headline ‘Over 35,000 5-Star Reviews’ is a testament to that.

#5. Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus - a great landing page

Shopify Plus is a digital platform that caters to large-scale businesses. It provides all the tools and support that large companies require to establish their online operations. 

Shopify Plus’s landing page is an excellent example of keeping things simple. Moreover, you don’t need to head to a different tab or window to sign up. A sign-up form pops up for those interested in availing of Shopify’s services.

Shopify plus landing page form popup

What makes the page stand out?

  • Video: Shopify Plus has a video on its landing page that demonstrates what it does and the value it provides to its clients. Hence, the need for writing large amounts of text explaining the brand’s service is eliminated.
  • CTA: There are two CTA tabs on the landing page. One is right at the center, and another is at the right-hand corner. You can click on anyone to get started. 
  • Sign-Up Window: Once you click ‘Contact Sales,’ a sign-up form appears on the screen, asking users for their contact details and what they can expect from the callback.

#6. SEO PowerSuite

SEO PowerSuite, service landing page

SEO PowerSuite is a platform that helps businesses and individuals improve their websites’ SEO rankings and helps them track performance in real-time.

Their landing page is quite simple and easy to understand. There is not too much text or colors, and the image is enough to convey what the company does.

What makes the page stand out?

  • Social Proof: By using figures such as ‘50,000 SEO experts and site owners’ and ‘trusted by every 3rd SEO in the world’, the brand is trying to reinforce itself as the go-to option for businesses looking to boost their SEO rankings.
  • Catchy Text: Using words such as ‘free version’ convinces users to try the brand’s services at least once. This helps boost lead generation.
  • Images: The landing page only uses a single photo to convey what the brand is about. In this case, the photo of a desktop showing graphs easily conveys that the company aims to improve website performance and rankings.

#7. WordStream

wordstream, an effective landing page example

WordStream is a company that helps other companies increase their visibility on Google Ads. Its landing page has made it to our list of best landing page examples owing to its simplistic yet detailed look.

What makes the page stand out?

  • Main Headline: The headline persuades users to use WordStream’s services by telling them what they are doing wrong and why WordStream will help them save time.
  • Free Tools: By giving a free audit report, WordStream can further convince users to avail of its services.
  • CTA: Visitors can get a free website audit by either clicking on the ‘Google Ads Grader’ or ‘Get your free report’ tab. Both are located at the top of the page so that users need not scroll down to the end to avail of the free service.

#8. DoorDash

doordash, FAQs on landing page

DoorDash is an online food ordering and delivery platform based in San Francisco. Like many other brands, DoorDash’s homepage also acts as its landing page. Its landing page goes into depth, explaining why one should sign up for food delivery with DoorDash.

What makes the page stand out?

Below are the key aspects of DoorDash’s landing page that make it effective:

  • High-Quality Images: The landing page has a large image right on top of what DoorDash’s mobile app looks like and how users can track their earnings. This gives them a clear idea of how to use DoorDash’s app to keep a tab of their income.
  • Attention to Detail: The landing page provides detailed information on what DoorDash is, how one can benefit by becoming a part of the organization, and the process of signing up. This way, people unaware of DoorDash now know what it is about and its joining process.
  • FAQs: The landing page ensures that all your doubts are answered by providing an FAQ section at the end of the page. It helps address users’ queries before signing up without contacting DoorDash’s support team.
  • CTA: There are two CTAs on DoorDash’s landing page. You can either mention your email address and click on ‘Next’ or click on the ‘Log In’ tab at the top right corner to get started. 

Read also: How to Make a Landing Page That Converts (6 Proven Tips)

Landing Page Best Practices for Beginners

Now that we have understood the basics of landing pages and looked at some examples, it is time to create one of your own. Here are some best practices you should consider while designing a landing page.

#1. Segment your audience

If you have a diverse customer base, it is best to design multiple landing pages. These landing pages will have content that is customized to each segment’s needs, boosting your visibility in search engines and increasing conversions

#2. Make it shareable

Another way to create an effective landing page is by making it shareable. This encourages people to spread the word about your brand on social media as well as other digital platforms, helping you reach out to a wider customer base.

#3. Demonstrate product use

To show prospects how your product works, you can embed a video or GIF on your landing page. This can demonstrate how your product or service can be used and help clients picture themselves using your product.

#4. Write an attractive headline

To capture the reader’s attention, having an attractive landing page headline is a must. The headline should be short and crisp and compel prospects to sign up right away. You can use words or phrases such as ‘Only 10 spots left’, ‘Sign up now to get free samples,’ and so on.

Here’s how EngageBay did it with its holiday offer landing page. 

EngageBay offer landing page
A landing page example from EngageBay

#5. Provide contact information

Although contact details are typically provided at the end of a web page, you can include them on your landing page as well.

Including your contact information on a landing page shows that you care for your customers and are available to help them anytime. Further, customers don’t have to scroll down to the end of the web page to search for contact details.

#6. Test multiple variations of your landing pages

Performing A/B tests and experimenting with keywords can help you test multiple variations of your landing pages. This enables you to understand what content is the most effective and maximizes conversions.

You can also choose to add or remove any images or videos used on your landing page.

#7. Repeat your CTA

To push users to sign up or subscribe to your brand, you can include multiple CTAs on your landing page.

There can be one CTA in the middle of the landing page and another at the bottom. This increases the probability that users will take the right action.

Read also: 14 Stunning eCommerce Landing Page Examples (+ Tips)

Wrap Up

Landing pages are among the easiest ways to boost conversions. They are easy to design, straightforward, and instantly capture the reader’s attention. 

With the right text, CTA, and headline, a landing page is sure to attract leads and help you reach your target audience faster.

You can always try EngageBay to get access to a wide range of landing page templates that you can easily customize to match your brand feel and look. It’s free for up to 15 users. 

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