
Dental Ads That’ll Make You Laugh 😂

In the competitive dentistry world, capturing potential patients’ attention is vital to drive your dental practice toward success. To help you take a giant leap forward in attracting new clients and expanding your business, we present a curated selection of the most effective dental ads guaranteed to make your practice shine.

From captivating visuals to persuasive messaging, these dental ads are designed to leave a lasting impression and quickly bring new patients through your doors. Discover the advertising strategies to make your dental business flourish like never before!

The Dental Business Cards That Looked Like Teeth!

Dental ad that looks like teeth

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Who doesn’t like pulling teeth out? Just kidding!

Have you considered the ‘tearing-off business cards’ idea to promote your dental services? They’re a memorable way to get your name out there and can be easily created using just papers and printers. Plus, you can post them on public boards at local eateries and apartment buildings.

It’s worth a shot, right?

The Billboard That Had a “Tough Message”


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You won’t believe the impact a mirage can have! Imagine a billboard where it looks like someone is gnawing right on the side, showcasing their strong teeth.

We know billboards might not be within your budget, but here’s the exciting part: you can easily adapt this concept to a postcard. It’s a clever way to grab attention and highlight your dental practice’s expertise!

Read also: Say Aaah … 11 Jaw-dropping Dental Marketing Ideas

Colgate’s Mighty Mouth


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Have you seen that awesome Colgate campaign called ‘Intergalactic Mouth, Mighty Mouth’? It was published in the United States back in March 2014.

The message in this ad is super powerful—it shows how Colgate can give you strong teeth and a healthy smile as all the elements in the toothpaste work together. It’s a creative and impactful way to promote the brand!

Read also: 11 Dental Marketing Strategies To Implement In 2024

The Sweet Popsicle Reminder


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Do you know that exciting feeling of unwrapping a gift or searching for seashells in the sand? Well, imagine capturing that same joy with a toothbrush-shaped stick that is cleverly embedded in a delicious ice cream treat.

It’s like a delightful surprise waiting to be discovered! You can even take it a step further by getting personalized popsicle sticks with your information printed on them. Then, have your personnel give out these handmade popsicles at a local event in town.

It’s a fun and unique way to spread the word about your business.

Read also: Top Local Advertising Ideas to Elevate Your Marketing

The Super Sassy Tray Table


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Can you imagine the prime advertising space an airplane tray table offers? Although this smart Smint ad is just a mock-up, it will get you thinking about the potential of starting the conversation around personal hygiene.

If you secure an aisle seat, you’ll have a captivated audience for the time of the flight. You might even make a lasting impression while soaring through the skies.

Read also: Cosmetic Dentistry Marketing Strategies: 13 Reasons to Smile

The Crooked Teeth Sidewalk Dental Ad


Have you seen that street artwork with the crooked painting? Well, in the world of dental advertising, before and after images are like gold. Usually, orthodontic ads are pretty straightforward, showing crooked teeth on the left and perfectly straight teeth on the right.

But this poster ad by Altschul Orthodontics takes a clever twist on the before-and-after concept. It’s subtle yet hilariously creative. It’s refreshing to see dental ads that bring a smile to your face.

Read also: Everything You Need to Know About Advocacy Advertising

A Twist to Gollum’s Joyful Grin


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Fans of The Lord of the Rings would know that Gollum’s dental situation is not great. Seriously, Gollum probably has (or had) one of the most messed-up sets of chompers you can imagine.

But here’s the cool part: Some super creative designers took it upon themselves to work Photoshop magic and show us just how amazing a smile transformation can be with a set of pearly whites. It’s mind-blowing how good teeth can completely change someone’s smile.

Read also: 93 Dental Keywords to Improve Search Engine Visibility

Colgate’s Awesome Pizza Advice


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How about teaming up with a nearby pizza joint and getting creative with your advertising? You can slip a clever reminder into their takeout boxes alongside the delicious slices.

Include your office contact information so people can easily reach you. Don’t forget to return the favor by keeping your workplace stocked with coupons for the pizza place.

Read also: Bold eCommerce Advertising Strategies for Growth

The Dental Makeover Ad That’s a Bit Too Much 😂


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Sometimes, it helps to go over the top in your dental ads. While most dentists stick with subtle and professional creatives, here’s a dental ad that doesn’t give two hoots about what is sober 😂

Once you see the before-and-after images in this ad, you won’t be able to forget them. And it works! Dental Getaways, a Thailand-based dental clinic, has attracted a wave of dental tourists with these eye-opening advertisements.

The Dental Ad Telling The ‘Hole’ Truth


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The amazing transformation in this ad is like a revelation, showing the incredible difference between before and after. The ‘before’ teeth look like soft Swiss cheese, complete with hungry mice.

It’s no wonder Italians must have flocked to this dental practice after seeing such a compelling image. It’s truly mind-blowing.

Read also: 13 Hospital Advertisement Ideas to Elevate Your Marketing

The Anti-Cavity Bowling Ball: No Holes, No Cavities!


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Picture yourself stepping onto the bowling alley, ready to play a game, but then you realize something strange – the bowling ball you hold in your hands has no holes! Frustrating, isn’t it? Well, the British toothpaste brand Elmex had an ingenious solution to this problem.

Elmex collaborated with local bowling alleys, bringing forth a creative and fun idea. They crafted custom bowling balls that turned the absence of holes into a unique advertising opportunity. Instead of traditional holes, these balls were adorned with clever stickers that proudly proclaimed, “helps prevent cavities.” It’s a stroke of genius that seamlessly merges oral care with recreational activities.

This unconventional approach takes dental advertising to a whole new level. By placing its message right in the hands of bowlers, Elmex ensures that its brand and the importance of oral health stay top-of-mind. It’s a playful and memorable way to connect with potential patients and spread awareness about cavity prevention.

The Yellow Pages Dental Ad That Wins ‘The Crown’


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While social media and online ads are great for reaching new patients, let’s not forget about good old-fashioned dental advertising. This Yellow Pages ad is a perfect example of how it still grabs attention playfully and cleverly.

The use of cartoon imagery and witty words will inspire you to think outside the box when advertising your dental practice. So, don’t underestimate the power of creativity and a touch of humor.

Read also: 10 Advertising Emojis To 10X Your Conversion Rates

The Dental Ad With a Dad Joke


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In the age of digital advertising, memes have taken the world by storm. Look at this hilarious dental ad that blends a dad joke into its dental health messaging.

Dental ads like this have an uncanny ability to get shared like crazy. Try something funny like this the next time you want to run a dental ad.

The Dental Ad Where Moustache Hides Teeth!


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Check out this ad that shows people with less-than-perfect teeth going to great lengths to conceal them because of how unsightly they look.

It’s a powerful campaign called ‘Grey, Brown’ by the Swiss Smile Dental Clinic, first launched in 2013. This professional and thought-provoking advertisement brings attention to the impact of dental appearance on one‘s self-confidence.

It’s a reminder of the value of dental care and the transformation it can bring.

Read also: Mastering Testimonial Advertising: A Marketer’s Guide

The ‘Cavities in my Locker’ Ad


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These lockers hold a silent but powerful message about the importance of oral care. Picture this: partnering up with a local gym to create a viral marketing sensation. It’s a genius way to spread the word about your exceptional dental services without saying a single word.

Here’s the secret sauce: imagine placing your business cards and special offers inside each locker, tempting gym-goers to give your dental practice a chance. It’s a win-win situation that benefits both parties involved.

As fitness enthusiasts retrieve their belongings, they’ll discover a delightful surprise waiting for them—an invitation to experience top-notch dental care.

The Raod Cracks Ad by Oral B


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Let’s talk about a unique and artistic way to promote your dental business that’ll have everyone turning their heads! You know those pesky cracks in sidewalks and roads? Well, they can serve as a fantastic canvas for your creativity and a platform to showcase your dental expertise.

Imagine grabbing some sidewalk chalk or spray chalk and transforming those cracks into eye-catching artwork that promotes your dental practice. Let your imagination run wild as you create colorful designs and engaging messages that capture the attention of passersby.

Joy’s Dental Clinic Ad With White Corn 


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Well, this dental ad is self-explanatory! The transition from the yellow corn to the bright, white corn is seamless and striking. This juxtaposition created a powerful contrast, reinforcing the transformative power of professional dental care.

Whoever came up with this ad creative deserves a raise!

Read also: Targeted Advertising Messages And How They Work

That’s All, Folks!

These were some of the most hilarious and creative dental ads we could find. Did we miss something that you came across and loved? Let us know in the comments. 

If any of these ads made you laugh, take inspiration and get started on the creatives for your next dental ad campaign.

And don’t forget to share this post 😁

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