Bernie Sanders marketing meme

54 Marketing Memes To Make Your Day

Humor makes everything more bearable. Especially in marketing. 

That’s why we’ve curated the best and funniest marketing memes to make you laugh out loud!

Marketing Memes Shakespeare
Source: Giphy

Lay back, have a snack, and enjoy some of the most relatable marketing memes on the planet. 

Table of Contents


#1. You win at Google Analytics for the first time …

Who can forget this epic scene from the sitcom F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

Every digital marketing agency knows the sheer joy and value of ranking on the first page on Google.

And what do you do when you’ve finally achieved it? Flaunt it like Cassie, of course!

Marketing Memes Friends
Meme created for EngageBay by author

#2. What people think marketers do vs what we actually do …

Clients think we rack up the bills marketing. Society thinks we are nerds, while Google thinks we are manipulating their algorithms (this is partially true though).

But all we do is bow before the holy altar of Google SEO and Adwords.

Marketing Memes What I actually do
Meme sourced from INCD Blog

Read also: Shopping on Your Mind? 15 Black Friday Memes Sure to Get You ROTFL!

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#3. Budgeting problems that hit you after midnight …

We all know of those pesky budgeting problems. Rarely do the client expectations match up with their marketing budget.

Marketing Memes I bet he's thinking about other women
Meme sourced from @justmediathingss on Instagram

Read also: 10 Funny Customer Success Memes That Every CSM Could Relate To

#4. When client feedback hits harder than Will Smith …

We all know that feeling when you think you have an amazing marketing strategy in place. But the client feedback just slaps you into a harsh realization.

Remember to know your target audience well before presenting your strategies. This is a lesson Chris Rock learned the hard way too 😉

Marketing Memes Will Smith Slap
Meme sourced from @bland_planning on Instagram

👉Looking for a good laugh that also inspires? Check out our collection of motivational memes here to uplift your spirits.

#5. The excitement when someone engages with your content …

After all, sharing is caring. Here’s a special note of thanks if you do this for your marketer friends. You keep them alive through the bad days!

Marketing Memes Friends Joey
Meme created for EngageBay by author

Read also: 5 Reasons Content Marketing is The Future of Your Business

#6. Can Sales and Marketing ever be friends?

We all like to pretend that the sales and marketing teams get along just fine, especially during meetings.

But let’s be honest.

Marketers and sales reps often don’t see eye to eye. And continue to pretend that we’re all good friends 🙂

Marketing Memes Sales Star Trek
Meme sourced from @corporatehumor on Instagram

👉Empower your marketing with the best strategies for maximum impact – learn more in our expert guide! 💪

#7. If content comes, can sales be far behind?

This hilarious meme is a nod to the movie The Shining.

Like the poltergeist in a horror movie, those lead magnets follow you after every piece of content you read online.

Marketing Memes
Meme sourced from

Read also: Feeling Down? 16 Motivational Memes to Crack You Up!

#8. Campaigns won’t let you go out …

Everyone in the marketing field has had those nerve-wracking days when their campaign is just about to go live.

During these times, our dating lives often take a break. It’s just a part of life.

Much like the Tinder Swindler, we, too, run from our dates.

Marketing Memes The Tinder Swindler
Meme sourced from @justmediathingss on Instagram

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#9. This hits right where it hurts

I wish there were an Undo button for these situations, but no. 

Marketing memes about typo
Source: Splitmetrics

Read also: 7 Funny Email Examples & Tips to Craft Your Own Comic Gold

#10. Hours of work, seconds of views …

We all know how important it is to get views and grow followers on social media.

And some days, that just won’t happen despite our best efforts. 

Marketing Memes It Ain't Much
Meme created for EngageBay by author

Read also: Customer Service Memes That Are So Good, It Hurts

#11. If Bernie Sanders was a lead magnet …

Bernie Sanders has been the subject of many a viral meme content. He may not be wearing cute mittens here, but this funny meme might just crack you up.

Building those email lists is important. And we also know how people just do not want to give out their email IDs.

So the marketers must ask, and ask, and ask yet again!

Marketing Memes Bernie Sanders
Meme created for EngageBay by author

#12. When Google Analytics is all you can think about …

Anthony Bridgerton from the Netflix show Bridgerton often can’t stand the very sight of Kate (his love interest on the show), just like how we marketers feel about Google Analytics sometimes.

It’s a case of ‘can’t live with them, can’t live without them’ 😉

Marketing Memes Bridgerton
Meme created for EngageBay by author

#13. It’s like the seasonal flu

My SEO manager when Google changes the algorithm for the 379th time!

Marketing meme Google algorithm
Source: Fiore Communication

#14. I’m taking the right turn. You?

A little headwind hurt no one — Sun Tzu (probably).

Funny marketing meme
Source: Splitmetrics

#15. Trolling other marketers as part of the job …

Whether you are working in a small business or a larger one, trolling your competitors is a great way to get a few laughs in private.

Marketing Memes Guardians of the Galaxy
Meme sourced from @marketingmemesofficial on Instagram


It’s true. Too many cooks spoil the food. 

Relatable office marketing meme
Source: Splitmetrics

#17. When you find that typo …

This is one of the most relatable marketing memes out there. We’ve all been in a situation where we’ve hit the ‘send’ or ‘publish’ button.

And then we find that one typo we somehow missed. Sure, you can always cover it up by saying that it was intentional and a way to boost engagement and user-generated content. But, still …

Marketing Memes Big Ed
Meme sourced from @DTCNewsletter on Instagram

#18. When everything reminds you of her …

By her, I mean Ms. Converty …

Marketing memes
Source: Splitmetrics

#19. Just everyday conversations …

Everyone in digital marketing knows they must stay on top of social media and other trends.

And when we try to explain all this to our friends who aren’t marketers, we look a bit like this guy.

Marketing Memes
Meme sourced from @kraftshala on Instagram

Read also: 18 Powerful Marketing Strategies to Grow Business Faster

#20. When your company puts backlinks on the back burner …

When it comes to successful backlinking, you must follow these two rules:

  1. Money
  2. More money

$5 for 1000 backlinks — and your blog posts rank? That’s a pipedream … 

Funny backlink marketing meme
Source: Fiverr

#21. Easy peasy lemon squeezy

(Sniff … sniff) She’s 25 and looks better than me right now.

Funny marketing meme
Source: Imgflip

#22. Developers vs Designers

Developers and designers are like brothers and sisters — you can’t live without one another, but that does not mean it’s always smooth sailing. 

This meme perfectly sums up the difference between the expectations and the final results. 

Design marketing memes
Source: Engati

#23. This is why we hate our clients!

The meme says it all 🤣🤣🤣

Seriously, the changes are never-ending. Sometimes, death can be sweeter than those pesky client meetings. 

Meme modified by the author for EngageBay

#24. SEO walks into a bar …

Why did this make me 🤣?

SEO marketing meme joke
Source: Jester Creative

#25. Web tracking be like …

One false step, and you’re in the matrix now.

Once in, there’s no escape. 

Marketers will bombard you with everything they got!

Funny marketing meme
Source: Zato

#26. Ahem … gonna pretend I didn’t see this

Made a blog post rank that one time, and now I’m an ace. 

A relatable marketing meme
Source: Selzy

#27. Think, man, think 🤔

It’s like a staring contest with your screen! If we could monetize this expression, we would all be millionaires by now. 

The unglamorous, furrow-browed face is something all of us share.


Marketing meme
Source: Fiore Communications

#28. Marketer by day, marketer by night

Now I know where I get those dark circles from. 

Marketing meme
Source: Selzy

#29. Houston, we have lift-off!

‘Click here’ — it’s as simple as it gets! But let’s be honest, marketers are never this lucky :-/

funny marketing memes
Source: Marketing Carpenter

#30. Found this poster in my local clinic

Not really, but you get the picture 😛

Relatable marketing meme
Source: Agency Analytics

#31. Marketing is a thankless job …

Marketers everywhere can relate to this. Hundreds of blogs, pages, campaigns, lead capture forms, content strategy, and so much more — only for our salespeople to shine. 

Sales marketing memes
Source: Engati

#32. Be Like Bill

Rule #1 of email marketing: Don’t buy email lists. 

Funniest marketing meme
Source: HubSpot

(Ahem…here’s an idea: Use EngageBay to capture leads, manage and grow your email lists organically, and turn your leads into paying customers. Sign up — for free.)

#33. Dear Santa

I am 33 years old. All I want is …

Santa funny marketing meme
Source: Twitter

#34. When you accidentally break a formula in Excel

This has happened more times than I care to admit. 

Funny Excel marketing meme
Source: Agency Analytics

#35. Meeting word count be like 

We content marketers have mastered this critical, life-saving skill. 

Funny content marketing meme
Source: Engati

#36. SEO who?

This scene from Two and a Half Men perfectly sums up SEO in most marketing agencies. 

Relatable SEO marketing meme
Source: Engati

#37. How to get away with murder

Found this tip on the dark web: 

Funny SERP marketing meme
Source: Key&Copy

#38. Controversial marketing topics be like …

I started receiving death threats after posting this. Might need to ‘Jouhatsu’ myself. (Disclaimer: None of this is true). 

Marketing memes

#39. Why you do us like this 😂

’nuff said. At least it’s tasty, man. 

SEO marketing meme funny
Source: Reddit

#40. Pssst… Here’s a secret:

You really did them dirty …

Competitor marketing funny meme
Source: Engati

#41. ‘Birdboxing’ our way in

A good marketing hack: Market to males and females ages 0 and up. Done and dusted. 

Audience targeting funny marketing meme
Source: Selzy

#42. tl;dr. 

I’ve never read the terms and conditions — ever. Have you? Comment below. 

Relatable marketing meme
Source: Engati

#43. Oops … Guilty as hell 🙂

Some changes here, some changes there, and voila!

Quirky marketing meme
Source: Engati

#44. This puts ‘The Exorcist’ to shame

Seriously, this hits harder than a breakup. 

Client marketing meme funny

#45. When you marry a marketer 

A couple of domains? With $350, you can buy way more. And she’s gonna wear that dress only once. ONCE. 

Marketing memes
Source: Engati

#46. Better than Tiktok lifehacks

We’ve been wielding the magical wand of fluff since time unknown. 

Content marketing memes
Source: Selzy

#47. When ‘light years’ isn’t distance anymore

To NASA: Use this as the standard unit for time. 

Email marketing meme funny
Source: Engati

#48. #clickbait

This is sooooo relatable!

Email marketing funny meme
Source: Reddit

#49. Plan vs budget

Client expectations: Pitbull. Client budget: Shiba Inu.

Client expectations funny marketing meme
Source: Agency Analytics

#50. Clients from Ohio be like

I’ve got $50. When do we get started?

Funny marketing memes about clients
Source: ICND

#51. SEO Maximus

Aced their SEO game, didn’t they?

SEO marketing meme
Source: Agency Analytics

#52. Every. Single. Time. 

Someone invent a ‘Find My’ for my creativity.

Funny marketing memes about content writing and creativity
Source: Selzy

#53. Creativity at its peak

Eye-catching billboard. This is not really a meme, but it could be. 

Design marketing meme funny
Source: Reddit

#54. We’ve all been there

Here’s a tip: Attach first, then write your email. 

Email marketing meme funny
Source: Simplified

And, That’s a Wrap!

I hope you had fun.

Are these original and viral marketing memes relatable? Which was your favorite meme? Also, do you have any meme ideas you’d like to share with us?

Let us know in the comments 🙂

Do check out our beautiful email templates and if you’d like to know how EngageBay can make marketing easier for you, just sign up for free, and you’ll hear from our sales 😉

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