
Engaging Webinar Email Templates to Get More Attendees

Did you know that up to 9% of webinar registrations happen on the same day as the event?

That means it’s always worth sending webinar email templates right before your event starts and even after so those who couldn’t attend can catch the replay or transcript.

Creating an automated webinar announcement email sequence is crucial for actively engaging attendees and building anticipation for your event. You don’t want your emails to be just another drop in an ocean of noise. They have to inspire the recipient to click and open the email.

Further, they must be motivated to sign up and attend your webinar.

Not to worry. EngageBay’s extensive collection of free HTML email templates run the gamut, including webinar email templates. You can find the webinar invitation email template to drive engagement and attendance.

Better yet, EngageBay makes it easy to customize your email templates as your heart desires, so your emails are branded and targeted.

In this blog post, we review the most important elements of webinar email templates, including examples, customization advice, and other best practices you won’t want to miss.


Key Takeaways

  • Webinar email templates can help you invite attendees to your webinar, remind them, and communicate post-webinar. You can save tremendous amounts of time, especially when using automation-based email templates.
  • EngageBay’s substantial selection of email templates for webinars and other events can help you increase engagement and attendance at your next webinar.

Types of Webinar Email Templates

First, I want to begin with the various webinar email template types you’ll work with as you build and promote your webinar.

I’ll include email templates from EngageBay along the way to help you begin planning your webinar invitation emails.

Invitation emails

Webinar email template from EngageBay
Webinar email template from EngageBay

Whether yours is a tech webinar or a music academy event, all successful webinar emails begin with an invitation.

Webinar invitation emails can provide various formats and strategies for crafting effective invitations and enhancing attendance rates.

This type of email should be kept brief. You’re merely inviting the customer to attend your webinar. The body copy should include information on your event, such as what it is, when, what time, who will be speaking, and what it costs.

You should also include a CTA button to streamline registration. The easier it is to register for your event, the more people who should. But don’t fret. I’ll talk plenty about CTAs later.

Oh, and timing is important for these webinar email templates. You should invite attendees to your online event at least two to three weeks beforehand.

Check out this EngageBay webinar invite email template:

Subject: Join My Private Webinar on [Title]

Hey [Name],

I wanted to reach out and invite you to a special private webinar that I’ll be hosting on [date].

It’s called [Title], and it’s all about how to use [mention your tip/trick] to bring [positive result] into your life.

I believe you’ll find it really valuable and I’d love to see you there.

Click here to join the webinar now!

[Your Name]

Read more: What Is a Webinar and How to Use It for Lead Generation

Reminder emails

As your webinar draws closer, sending a reminder email is a good idea. Your audience is comprised of busy people. Even if they RSVPed, it helps to remind them that your event is coming up.

I recommend sending this email around a week before your event and maybe even a day before. This way, you will have one more last-minute reminder in your back pocket. 

Your webinar reminder email template should use friendly but straightforward language. Tell them your webinar is on the horizon and share some of the event’s benefits so they can prioritize it.

EngageBay has a rich assortment of reminder email templates for these purposes. Since each template is highly editable, adding your branding and tone to these emails is easy.

Here’s a sample template that drives urgency and can increase the registrations for your webinar:

Subject: Limited Spots Left for [Topic] Webinar — Register Now!

Hey [Name],

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Limited spots are left for our upcoming [topic] webinar, and we want to ensure you’re one of the attendees.

This webinar covers the following topics:

[mention details]

The goal is to help you achieve [positive result].

Join us for an interactive session with other like-minded individuals on the same journey as you. Click here to register.

[Date, time, and location]

Let me know if you have any questions or need help with registration. I’m here to help. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

See you soon!

[Your Name]

Read more: How to Write the Best Meeting Reminder Email [Templates and Examples]

Last-minute reminder emails

Okay, your webinar is happening soon. While you’ve gotten many registrations, you still believe you could obtain more. So, what do you do? You send a last-minute reminder email, of course!

This webinar email template needs to scream “urgent.” The subject line and body content language should underscore that now is the last chance to sign up. Remind the reader of all the cool content they’ll miss out on by not RSVPing.

Send the last-minute reminder email a day or two before the webinar. You can even send it the day of if you wish.

Check out this EngageBay webinar email template. It’s perfect for getting those last-minute registrations:

Subject: Last Chance to Join the Ultimate [Topic] Webinar!

Hey [Name],

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Time is running out to join the ultimate [topic] webinar. This is your last chance to learn from the experts and achieve [positive result].

We’ll cover the following topics:

[Mention all the details here]

Join us for an interactive session with other like-minded individuals on the same journey as you.

Don’t forget to register!

[Registration link]

More details about the event:

[Mention date, time, and location]

If you have any questions or need help with registration, just let me know. I’m here to help. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!


[Your Name]

Follow-up emails

Webinar email template follow-up
Image courtesy of Marq

Lastly, we’ve got follow-up emails. You’ll send these after your webinar has concluded. After all, there are still plenty of ways to hook in a customer who didn’t attend. For example, they can check the webinar replay or read the transcript.

You can also offer replays, transcripts, and other webinar goodies to those who attended. They can find a lot of value in this high-quality content.

Oh, and best of all, you can use webinar-related materials as lead magnets, making it the gift that keeps giving.

Your first follow-up webinar email template can go out the day your webinar ends or the next day. You want to use strong language in the copy and subject line to increase conversions. This EngageBay webinar email template gets it done:

Subject: Become a Superstar in Your Field with Our Free Resource!

Hey [Customer Name],

Are you ready to become a [your field of expertise] superstar?

I know you are!

And I have just the thing to help you do it.

Introducing [name of resource with a link to it], your ultimate guide to mastering [your field of expertise]. This resource has all the tips, tricks, and secrets you need to become a [your field of expertise] superstar.

But don’t just take my word for it; see for yourself!

With this resource, you’ll be able to shine brighter than a star, perform better than a rockstar, and be more awesome than a superhero.

So, what are you waiting for?

Download it now and become a [Your Field of Expertise] Superstar!

Thank you,

[Your Name]

Read more: Confirmation Email Templates to Ensure Clarity and Engagement

Customization Tips for Webinar Emails

Webinar email templates benefit from customization. How else are you supposed to motivate the reader to register?

Fortunately, with EngageBay’s multitude of email templates, you have complete customization freedom at your fingertips. You can easily adjust any part of the thousands of webinar-ready email templates, from the text to the imagery.

You can add your email elements. You can even import third-party email templates or build a custom webinar email template from scratch using code.

Consider these tips as you customize your webinar email templates with EngageBay.

Showcase your brand

Your webinar is groundbreaking because it’s yours. You don’t want your audience to confuse it with anyone else’s, so you must use your unique branding. This will increase familiarity and trust.

So, how do you do it? Try these tips:

  • Ensure your email profile image is your brand name or logo. Use the same logo you do elsewhere, such as on your social media and website.
  • Add your brand logo to your email header as well.
  • Incorporate your brand colors into your email layout.
  • Write webinar email templates using your brand tone or voice.

Be on-theme

Theming your webinar emails is another great way to drive up engagement. Of course, adding a theme is optional, but why not do it?

You could build your theme around the time of year, holidays, or personal business milestones. No matter what kind of theme you want to express, EngageBay has email templates ready to help you do it.

Incorporate dynamic content

I also can’t recommend dynamic content enough for your webinar email templates. If you don’t know, dynamic content changes according to various factors. For instance, it could be due to a customer’s progress in the sales funnel, or maybe the content changes because it’s time-sensitive.

Prominently featuring the webinar title in various email components, including header images and CTA buttons, can improve visibility and engagement.

You can use dynamic content for everything from speaker bios to webinar topics, benefits, and unique selling points. It’s also very handy when counting down to your live webinar date.

Enhance Your Email Marketing

Engage your audience and boost attendance with our beautifully crafted, easy-to-customize webinar email templates! Just add your brand’s images, headings, and CTAs, and you’ll be ready to send professional invites in minutes!

Browse the Template Library

The Benefits of Email Automation for Webinars

Automating webinar email templates will increase the success of your drip campaigns. Here’s why automation matters so much.

Saves time

Between preparing the materials for your webinar, confirming all the guests, planning the agenda, and emailing your audience, you can run out of time fast. You don’t want to rush through the important aspects of your webinar, as that will reduce its quality.

Why take the time to send emails manually when you can use automation instead? By automating your emails and building them using EngageBay’s webinar email templates, you can take care of all your webinar-related email needs quickly and efficiently.

Increases registrations

The targeted, personalized emails you can send using the power of automation will resonate more with your audience. That should boost the number of registrations you get for your webinar, making it a success.

Nurtures audience relationships

Not only that, but you can also rely on webinar email automation to build stronger customer relationships.

Tailoring your webinar reminder emails and post-event content to your audience segments according to their needs and interests will resonate more.

Read more: 8 Effective eCommerce Content Marketing Strategies for 2024

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Don’t let your webinar email templates fall victim to these mistakes. Your entire campaign can suffer, meaning you won’t get as many registrations as you want.

Writing low-quality subject lines

What subject lines do you write to get people jazzed about your webinar? There are all sorts of subject line writing mistakes you can make if you aren’t careful.

For instance, your subject line could be too long. If it surpasses 60 characters, it will cut off mid-word. That’s not going to help anyone eager to learn about your webinar.

A lack of clarity is another gaffe to avoid. The subject line should explain that you’re hosting a webinar and mention when it is, such as “[Topic] Webinar Live Noon on Thursday, 8/8.” Then, you can provide more details in the email body.

You also need to make your subject lines catchy. Perhaps you ask a question that makes your audience think. For instance, your subject line could read: “Have You Always Wanted to Improve in [Topic]?”

You could use the email header to explain that you’re hosting a webinar and explain even more details in the email body.

Here’s another cool way to open more emails through your subject line. Rely emotions, like so: “You Can’t Miss [Topic] Webinar on [Date]!”

Read more: 71 Irresistible Webinar Email Subject Lines to Drive Engagement

Skipping out on visuals

Webinar emails might be simple, but you can’t forget the visuals when planning your design.

Images are an excellent way to grab and hold attention. They’re also more engaging than an email that lacks imagery. Just take a look at the example below to see what I mean.

Bright, colorful webinar email
Image courtesy of Iterable

Another option to consider is video. After all, videos in emails have been proven to perform well. Data has found that video email marketing elevates campaign ROI by 300% versus a campaign without.

Not testing your emails

With time-centric emails like webinar invitations and reminders, you might be tempted to skip the A/B testing. Who has time, right? You need to make the time, or your email campaign could fail.

Here’s why.

A/B testing reveals issues with your emails. If you don’t fix those mistakes and send the emails to your audience anyway, your opens and clicks could be lower than anticipated. That trickles down to how many people register for and attend your webinar.

Plan to split-test your emails several weeks before your first email in the campaign goes out. Make sure you test every element, including:

  • Header
  • Footer
  • Subject line
  • CTA button, color, size, and placement
  • Link copy
  • Body content
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Send times
  • Personalization

Since EngageBay’s webinar email templates are so easy to work with, you can make swift changes to your templates before you send them.

Banner promoting over 1,000 free HTML email templates from EngageBay. Customize and send beautiful, easy-to-use email templates for impactful marketing campaigns. Try for free.

Sending unbranded emails

May I stress again how much branding matters when trying to get people to attend your webinar? Why should they spend their time and hard-earned money on your webinar specifically? You need to bring something unique to the table. Your brand will help you do that.

Going back to what I mentioned earlier, branding also helps build trust and familiarity. It’s a must when designing webinar email templates.

Not homing in on benefits

We all only have 24 hours in a day. Focusing on your webinar benefits proves to your audience why they should set aside an hour or two of their important time for your event.

Writing in a benefits-focused way means connecting issues with solutions. Prove to your audience that you understand their challenges and that you have information to help them overcome them.

People want to get value for their money. If you can provide that, you should get more webinar signups.

Making your emails too long

Webinar emails, from invites to reminders, shouldn’t exceed a few hundred words. If your emails are broaching 400-word territory, take a step back and ask why.

Use bullet points to present what the webinar is, when it’s happening, where, and what time. Implement CTA buttons to get registrations. Those tips alone should save on word space, but if not? Try one of my favorite tips: add a video.

An explainer video saves you on words but still conveys the same information. Plus, you know you’ll make your emails more valuable with video, so it’s worth using!

Using bland CTAs

Talk about fatal errors! Given the importance of your call to action or CTA, you can’t afford to mess it up.

Curious readers will click on your CTA for more information on your webinar. Your CTA button needs to have conversion potential. To do that, you’ll have to be aware of and avoid these mistakes:

  • Using vague anchor text, such as “Click here.” Today’s consumers want to know where a link will take them when they click it, so try a line like “Click Here to Register” instead.
  • Not using complementary colors when designing your CTAs. The button could blend in too well or look so garish your audience won’t click it.
  • Making the CTA button an unconventional shape, such as a heart or a star. Circular and rectangular shapes are easier for the eyes to perceive.
  • Designing your CTA button to be too big or too small. A button that’s too big throws off the symmetry of your webinar email template design. One that’s too small can be easily overlooked.
  • Putting your CTA in a strange location. You can use several buttons, but one should always be above the fold.

So, how do you master CTAs for your webinar emails? You need A/B testing.

Waiting too long to send your webinar emails

Sending your webinar invite or reminder email at the last second doesn’t drive up excitement like you might think it will. It will leave people wishing they could attend but won’t because they’ve already made plans.

Sending your invite within several weeks of your webinar and reminders in the days leading up to the event is the best timeline to ensure everyone has enough time to add your webinar to their schedules.

Sending your emails at the wrong time

Data has shown that Tuesdays are the best day for email performance. That’s why 53% of event creators will choose that day to send their emails.

They also prefer Thursdays at a rate of 48% and Wednesdays at 40%.

And what’s the best time to send emails? A popular block is between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Your email won’t be the first thing a person sees in their inbox, but it will come when they’re alert and more likely to engage.

Ignoring data

Like any email campaign, you must measure the KPIs when sending webinar email templates.

Here are the metrics to add to your list:

  • Open rate
  • Click-through rate
  • CTA conversion rate
  • Email conversion rate
  • Upsells
  • Tickets sold
  • Number of attendees
  • Webinar participation
  • Replay count
  • Audience retention rate

Read more: The Definitive Lead Generation Guide by EngageBay


Webinar email templates help you in many ways, especially when you choose EngageBay’s high-quality and customizable webinar email templates. You can create winning emails for any type of webinar, streamlining your communication and attracting more people to your event.

EngageBay is an all-in-one marketing, sales, and customer support software for small businesses, startups, and solopreneurs. You get email marketing, marketing automation, landing page and email templates, segmentation and personalization, sales pipelines, live chat, and more.

Sign up for free with EngageBay or book a demo with our experts.


What are the best days and times to send webinar emails?

Tuesdays and Thursdays have been proven through testing to produce the best results, so plan to send your emails in the morning or early in the afternoon.

How many reminder emails should be sent before a webinar?

You shouldn’t send too many, only two to three tops.

What information is crucial to include in a webinar invitation?

Your webinar invitation email must include:

  • What the webinar is
  • How long it will be
  • How to watch
  • What date and time
  • Who will be speaking/what topics will be covered in the conversation
  • How much the webinar costs

You also need CTA links so those who are interested can register.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my webinar email campaign?

You can start by reviewing the open and click-through rates, but don’t stop there. You can ascertain whether your webinar email templates succeeded if you have a high registration and especially attendance rate.

About The Author

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