
Simple But Sweet Guy Kawasaki Quotes To Make You Smile

We are always in the phase of figuring things out. Aren’t we?

Figuring out the reasons behind our failures, figuring out the way to grow, succeed, and what not.

Guy Kawasaki is someone who figured out his way to succeed. He went from being a regular employee to a Silicon Valley icon.

Guy Kawasaki now is the Chief Evangelist for Canva and a brand ambassador for Mercedes-Benz.

Here are some of the best Guy Kawasaki quotes I came across — they’re simple, sure, but they’ll make you smile 🙂

Guy Kawasaki quotes

  • “A real business is one with something to sell — not one where people have business cards and letterhead.”
  • “If you make meaning, you’ll probably also make money.”
  • “Better to fail at doing the right thing than to succeed at doing the wrong thing.”
  • “Today, brands are built on what people are saying about them on social media — not what companies are saying about themselves.”
  • “Want to change the world? Upset the status quo? This takes more than run-of-the-mill relationships. You need to make people dream the same dream that you do.”

Guy Kawasaki quotes

  • “Call me idealistic, but the genesis of a great company is answering simple questions that change the world, not the desire to become rich.”
  • “Do not write to impress others. Authors who write to impress people have difficulty remaining true to themselves. A better path is to write what pleases you and pray that there are others like you. Your first and most important reader is you. If you write a book that pleases you, at least you know one person will like it.”
  • “Don’t stop paying attention to a project because it gets boring.”
  • “What’s more important than making a startup attractive to investors in a beauty-contest format is to make them viable in real life.”

Guy Kawasaki quotes

Liked this quote?

Check out this blog post by RealLeaders and take a look at five life lessons by Guy Kawasaki.

Guy Kawasaki quotes

  • “Evangelism is selling a dream.”
  • “Everyone is better than you at something. If you have a tough time accepting others, it’s probably because you think you are superior to them. However, you’re not superior to every person in every way.”
  • “Everyone would love to have a large and growing market, perfected technology, and infinite capital. Under those conditions, anyone can be an entrepreneur. The question is what you are willing to do and can you do when the conditions are far from perfect.”

Read also: Unlock Your Potential: 50+ Quotes for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Guy Kawasaki quotes

  • “I aim to fight as if I am right, and listen as if I am wrong — and to teach my people to do the same thing.”
  • “If you are a guru or an expert, people will know it. If you aren’t one, no one is going to believe you.”
  • “If you don’t toot your own horn, don’t complain that there’s no music.”

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Guy Kawasaki quotes

  • “Life is too short to deal with orifices.”
  • “Meaning is not creating a cool place to work with free food, Ping-Pong, volleyball, and dogs. Meaning is making the world a better place.”
  • “Organizations are successful because of good implementation, not good business plans.”

Guy Kawasaki quotes

  • “People deserve a break. The stressed and unorganized person who doesn’t have the same priorities as you may be dealing with an autistic child, abusive spouse, fading parents, or cancer. Don’t judge people until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. Give them a break instead.”
  • “Sharing good stuff is 90 percent of the battle of getting more followers. Almost everything else is merely an optimization. End of discussion.”
  • “The purpose of most keynotes is to entertain and inform the audience. It is seldom intended to provide an opportunity to pitch your product.”

Read also: 50+ Inspiring Small Business Quotes: Fuel Your Entrepreneurial Fire!

Guy Kawasaki quotes

Inspiring Quotes From Top Influencers

Wrap Up

You can read more of Guy Kawasaki’s popular quotes here.

Which one did you like best among these Guy Kawasaki quotes? Please share it on your social media and tag us 🙂

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