
8 Winning Supplement Marketing Strategies for 2024

Millions of people use dietary supplements daily to reach their nutritional goals. As a result, the global dietary supplements market will grow to $372.42 billion by 2030 at a compound annual growth rate of 9.1%.

This is great news for companies and startups in the supplement industry.

However, the dietary supplements industry is competitive, and the cost to set up a supplement business is considerably high. So, failure to get your products in front of people who need them could prove costly. 

One key thing for success is researching and implementing unique supplement marketing strategies. After all, what is the essence of a great product if its target customers never find it or use it?

In this blog post, we shall discuss eight proven supplement marketing strategies to turbocharge your sales and the tips to implement them.

Let’s dive in!


Understanding the Supplement Market

A key component of planning a marketing strategy is understanding your target market.

This is because every product is made to solve a human problem. Since products are made to meet human needs, the success of your product (dietary supplement) will rely on understanding your target market, their peculiar needs, and how to meet them in new ways that your competition doesn’t.

So, what is the target market for dietary supplements?

Supplement market statistics

Dietary supplements are popular amongst different groups and for different reasons.

For most people, dietary supplements offer a practical and direct way to reach their health goals, whether they involve improving athletic performance, raising immunity, improving intellectual functions, or managing specific health concerns.

Let’s look at different groups of people who require supplements for different reasons. 

  • Athletes and fitness-focused individuals: This category of people is a prime target for supplement marketing. Those aiming to enhance physical well-being and build muscle often turn to popular choices like protein powders, creatine, amino acids, energy boosters, and multivitamins.
  • Senior citizens: They take vitamins to maintain health, acknowledging potential nutritional gaps in their diet as they age. Vitamin D and B12 supplements are commonly used to address these concerns among the elderly.
  • Vegetarians: Lacking certain nutrients in animal products, vegetarians are a notable market for dietary supplements. Recommended supplements for this sect include vitamins B12 and D, but the health-conscious nature of vegetarians makes them open to a variety of supplements to support their nutritional needs.

From this, it is clear that different segments of people require supplements for different reasons. Therefore, your dietary marketing plan must align with the audience you aim to sell to. 

Regulatory Compliance in Supplement Marketing

In the United States, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) holds primary responsibility for the safety and quality of dietary supplements, and this means that manufacturers must meet Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and adhere to the FDA regulations.

The FDA requires that label claims describing the supplement’s identity, dietary ingredients, and intended use be truthful and not misleading.

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission), on the other hand, focuses on advertising claims.

Their mandate is to prevent deceptive marketing practices and ensure advertising is truthful, not misleading, and supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence. This applies to all forms of advertising, including online, print, and broadcast media.

Complying with FDA and FTC regulations is more than avoiding legal problems.

It’s about building trust with consumers who rely on accurate information to make informed health decisions. Ethical marketing fosters a transparent and responsible industry, leading to several key benefits:

  • Consumer protection: Following regulations safeguards consumers from false promises and potentially harmful products. Clear and accurate labeling and advertising empower consumers to make the right health decisions. 
  • Strengthened brand reputation: Consumers value brands that prioritize transparency and ethical practices. Demonstrating compliance with FDA and FTC regulations reflects a commitment to consumer well-being, boosting brand reputation, and fostering consumer loyalty.
  • Sustainable industry growth: Ethical marketing promotes fair competition and fosters a level playing field within the supplement industry. This creates a healthier environment for responsible brands to thrive, ultimately contributing to sustainable growth.

Legal compliance and ethical responsibility

As said earlier, complying with FDA and FTC regulations is more than avoiding legal problems. It’s about building trust with consumers. Here are some key tips regarding legal compliance and ethical responsibility:

  • Focus on science, not sensationalism: Support your claims with credible scientific evidence, such as published clinical trials or studies by qualified researchers. Avoid using exaggerated language or making promises that lack scientific backing.
  • Clarity is key: Ensure labels and advertising materials are clear, concise, and easy to understand. Avoid technical jargon and confusing terminology. Highlight potential side effects, interactions with medications, and appropriate dosage information.
  • Honest testimonials: If using testimonials, ensure they are genuine and representative of typical results. Avoid cherry-picking positive feedback or misrepresenting individual experiences as universal success stories.
  • Embrace transparency: Disclose all ingredients and their quantities accurately. Be upfront about limitations and potential risks associated with your product. 
  • Seek expert guidance: Consult legal and regulatory professionals specializing in FDA and FTC compliance. 

By prioritizing transparency, scientific evidence, and consumer well-being, you will not only avoid legal pitfalls but also cultivate trust, enhance your brand reputation, and contribute to a sustainable and ethical supplement industry.

Having laid this foundation, let us understand the supplement marketing strategies properly. 

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8 Supplement Marketing Strategies to Implement in 2024 

Here are proven marketing strategies to implement in 2024. Whether you are a startup supplement business owner or a more established supplement brand, you’ll find these marketing strategies helpful.

1. Develop a targeted marketing strategy

Developing a marketing strategy that will put you on top starts with identifying and understanding your target market.

This involves recognizing the diverse characteristics, preferences, and needs of the audience you aim to reach. Here are the reasons why understanding your audience is crucial.

Personalized communication

Identifying the target audience allows for the customization of messages to resonate with specific demographics. Whether in advertising or content creation, tailoring communication ensures that the message aligns with the audience’s values, language, and interests. 

Meet needs and preferences

Different segments of the population have various preferences and needs. Understanding the target audience enables you to improve your products or services to meet these requirements better. Doing so can improve customer satisfaction and enhance your brand’s overall relevance.

Build connections

Building a connection with your audience is important to build brand loyalty.

Identification with your audience’s values, supplement needs, and challenges creates a sense of relatability. Brands that connect with their audience personally are more likely to gain loyal customers who also become advocates for the brand.

Marketing and advertising 

Understanding your audience is fundamental to marketing. It guides the selection of appropriate channels and advertising ideas, ensuring the message reaches the right people at the right time. The result of this targeted approach is twofold: firstly, it maximizes the impact of marketing campaigns and optimizes return on investment.

Adapting strategies

Your target audience’s preferences and behavior are dynamic and can change over time. Recognizing this, businesses that continuously try to understand their target audience can adapt their strategies accordingly. 

Now that we have covered the importance of developing a targeted marketing strategy, let us discuss how to create a targeted and personalized one.

How to develop a targeted marketing strategy for your supplement business

The first step to developing a targeted marketing strategy in the dietary supplement industry is to do thorough research. This step applies whether you are already established in the supplement industry or a startup.

For established companies, the first place to start your research is from the data collected during marketing campaigns. This data will give you an idea of who your customers are and how they have changed throughout their interaction with your business.

For startups that do not have access to this data, the best place to start is by creating a buyer persona.

Please note that buyer personas are also useful for already-established businesses. Companies with a customer base can use a buyer persona and available analytics to reach a broader market.

What exactly is a buyer persona?

A buyer persona is an in-depth depiction of a representative of your intended market. Although fictitious, this persona is grounded in an extensive study on your target or current audience. It may also be referred to as a marketing, audience, or client persona.

Using buyer personas helps you stay focused on solving client needs rather than your own. 

A typical buyer persona must include the following information about their target audience:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, income, education, occupation.
  • Geography: Location, urban or rural settlement.
  • Psychology: Personality, lifestyle, values, interests, hobbies.
  • Behavior: Purchase history, usage patterns, brand loyalty.
  • Technography: Technology usage and preferences, software and hardware preferences, online behavior.

You have to ask yourself, “Does this campaign address the needs and goals of my buyer personas?” before launching any new one. If not, you should reevaluate your strategy, regardless of how thrilling it sounds.

Your target audience might be different groups interested in your product.

For instance, a dietary supplement company catering to fitness enthusiasts, seniors, and vegetarians will have a broad audience with unique attributes. In response, segmenting your audience becomes crucial. Each segment’s distinct attributes require a personalized marketing approach.

Considering demographics, geography, psychology, behavior, and brand interactions is essential when crafting strategies for different segments. 

To scale personalized messages, leverage marketing automation and dynamic content.

Tailor emails for specific segments based on surfing habits, past purchases, or demographic data. Additionally, adapt messages to different channels preferred by various audience segments, such as email, social media, or direct mail, ensuring efficient and practical targeting.

EngageBay email ab testing
EngageBay email A/B testing

Frequent A/B testing helps identify each segment’s most effective messaging approaches and channels. This ongoing testing allows for strategic adjustments based on real-time feedback, optimizing marketing efforts. 

2. Double down on digital marketing efforts

There are several digital marketing techniques that you can employ in marketing dietary supplements.

However, not all methods may help reach your target audience. The golden rule in choosing what techniques to use is understanding your audience and their preferences. We discuss some of these marketing techniques below. 

Content marketing

Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience. The primary goal of content marketing is to establish trust, build brand awareness, and drive profitable customer action.

Instead of directly promoting a brand, product, or service, content marketing provides valuable information, solves problems, or entertains to build a long-term relationship with the audience. For your content marketing to be effective, it must be:

  • Tailored to your target audience: Understanding a particular target audience’s goals, interests, and issues is key to content marketing. You can establish more meaningful connections by addressing the interests and problems of your audience with tailored content.
  • Valuable and relevant: When planning a content marketing strategy, you must ensure that your content offers genuine value to the audience. This can include educational articles, entertaining videos, informative blog posts, or other content that aligns with the audience’s interests.
  • Consistent: Regular and consistent content supply is essential for successful content marketing. This consistency helps build trust and maintain an ongoing connection with the audience.
  • Authoritative and credible: Your content must be reliable and authoritative for your content marketing plan to be effective. These two attributes build trust with your audience and improve your brand’s reputation, which promotes long-term relationships.
  • Adapted to different channels: Channel-appropriate content is key to successful content marketing. Every online platform has distinct features, audience tastes, and content formats. You can increase interaction and expand your audience by customizing your content to each channel’s unique needs and expectations.
  • Dynamic: Dynamism is essential to any content marketing plan to stay current, engage your audience, and adjust to the ever-changing digital scene.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

People use search engines such as Google to find answers to their queries. These search engines do not create content (web pages) that answers these queries, but they help organize them to ensure that their users get the best answers to their queries. 

To offer the best answers for queries, search engines have to assess content and arrange it based on its quality and relevance to the search query. To do this, search engines use algorithms, which are complex rules and calculations designed to evaluate and rank web pages.

Search Engine Optimization involves understanding how search engine algorithms evaluate the content and applying this information to create content that appears on the first page of the search engine result page (SERP). 

Since the goal of every search engine is to provide users with the most relevant and quality results for their search query, the purpose of all search engine algorithms is to test content for quality and to present only the best quality.

Therefore, creating the most relevant and useful content is the easiest and most trusted SEO strategy.

There are several qualities that search engine algorithms evaluate when organizing web pages. They include relevance, keywords, content quality, user experience, backlinks, content freshness, page structure, geographical data, etc. 

When marketing dietary supplements, you can use SEO to get your target audience to visit your website. Then, you could use online forms to get your website visitors’ details for email marketing.

Social media

4.8 billion people use social media globally, accounting for 92.7% of all internet users and 59.9% of the world’s population.

Also, over a quarter of all social media users use it to discover new products to purchase.

Aside from its large audience, social media offers other benefits that make it very useful for marketing your supplements. Chief among them is that it enables you to gather more data on your target audience and run sponsored ads. Here are some strategies you can employ on social media to market your supplements.

  • Share educational content: Spread the word about the advantages of your dietary products through enlightening material. Make consistent posts, infographics, or brief videos outlining how your products improve people’s health and well-being. Address frequent health issues and advise how to have a healthy lifestyle.
  • Encourage user-generated content: Humans are social creatures, and other people’s opinions influence our purchasing decisions. As such, we are more likely to buy products other people are raving about. Therefore, sharing user-generated content, such as testimonials, reviews, or before-and-after photos, can build trust and credibility. To enjoy UGC’s benefits, you must consistently use UGC on your social media platforms to showcase real people benefiting from your products.
  • Collaborate with influencers: Partner with influencers in the health and wellness field to reach a bigger audience. Influencers can produce interesting content, such as product reviews, unboxings, or recipe concepts, including your diet goods. For this strategy to work, you must select influencers who genuinely want to promote a healthy lifestyle and whose beliefs coincide with yours.
  • Prioritize consistent branding: Maintain a consistent brand identity across all social media channels. Use cohesive visuals, messaging, and branding elements to create a recognizable and trustworthy presence. Consistency reinforces your brand’s image and builds familiarity with your audience.

Email marketing

Email marketing is well known for its capacity to provide a return on investment, with an average ROI of $44 for every $1 invested.

Because email marketing can be tailored to individual user’s requirements, it is one of the marketing channels with the highest marketing ROI. Here are some email marketing tips for success.

  • Segmentation: Segment your email list according to important criteria, such as past purchases, client preferences, or engagement levels. Customizing your communications to particular audience segments gives you more individualized and focused content.
  • Personalized content: Create customized email content that specifically addresses the requirements and preferences of the various audience segments. Use merge tags and dynamic content for additional personalized information, such as the recipient’s name. Finally, customize product recommendations according to previous purchases or surfing patterns.
  • Interactive content: This could include quizzes, polls, or surveys related to health and wellness. Interactive content provides valuable insights and makes the email experience more enjoyable for recipients.
  • Responsive design: Ensure your email campaigns are optimized for mobile devices. Many people check their emails on smartphones, so responsive design is essential for a seamless and visually appealing experience. Make it easy for recipients to navigate and engage with your content on any device.

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3. Build brand trust

In supplement marketing, educational information is essential because it is the foundation for establishing credibility and trust.

Providing accurate and valuable information in a market where consumers seek transparency and assurance is imperative. This educational strategy addresses consumer concerns by providing information on your product’s safety, effectiveness, and appropriate usage. 

Supplement marketing through educational content transcends advertising.

Aim to educate consumers on the advantages, suggested use, and science underlying your products. Because of this openness, customers can better comprehend the products and make knowledgeable decisions regarding their health and well-being. 

In addition to dispelling common myths and misconceptions about the supplement industry, educational content offers fact-based knowledge to help consumers generate more accurate opinions about the advantages and drawbacks of various products.

By dispelling myths, you can be seen as a trustworthy ally who aids customers in sifting through a deluge of data.

Moreover, through interactive content addressing the interests and concerns of the target audience, a brand not only cultivates a sense of community and loyalty but also reinforces its commitment to customers’ well-being.

This approach extends beyond mere product advertising, forming a more comprehensive strategy that aligns with the long-term health goals of consumers.

Strategies for building brand credibility and consumer trust

The most practical technique for staying ahead of the competition is transparency.

Customers are likelier to trust transparent brands about their products, ingredients, and manufacturing procedures. This openness also includes accurate and transparent labeling. Your brands can establish credibility by being transparent about your products’ source, makeup, and advantages. 

Sticking to a consistent and high-quality product standard is another smart approach. Your brand’s commitment to providing value is reinforced when it delivers dependable, high-quality products that also satisfy consumer expectations.

Your target audience views your brand favorably when quality assurance methods, industry standards compliance, and stringent testing protocols are followed. 

Additionally, engaging in customer-centric practices is instrumental in building consumer trust. Creating a seamless and responsive customer support system, addressing queries or concerns promptly using a virtual phone number for business, and implementing customer-centric policies contribute to a positive consumer experience.

By valuing the customer relationship beyond the point of purchase, your brand can cultivate a loyal customer base, turning satisfied customers into advocates who vouch for our brand’s credibility and reliability.

A combination of transparency, product quality, and customer-centric practices forms a robust foundation for building brand credibility and consumer trust.

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4. Invest in innovative branding and packaging

We live in a highly visual world. And it’s easy to argue that the content of a product is what matters most.

However, the packaging is what potential customers see first. And based on that, they can decide to purchase or put their wallets back into their pockets. 

Branding goes beyond choosing a logo, fonts, and colors for your business. These are all important aspects of branding as they help to give your products a uniformity that your customers can easily recognize and associate with your business.

This, in turn, builds credibility and trust.

However, your brand must aim to transcend these features and become a breathing, living entity with its own personality.

Since the ultimate goal of branding is to create a personality for a company, branding must strive to show the company’s uniqueness in every way.

First, it tells a story about the company. Telling stories about your brand helps your target audience understand your brand’s unique purpose and how this purpose aligns with theirs.

Customers do not want to buy a product; they want to pay money for value. If your company offers this value, customers will pay to purchase this value. Telling your brand story highlights the value of your brand and makes it relatable to your target audience. 

Packaging is the product’s initial point of contact with the customer, which is crucial to the marketing of your supplements. Potential customers immediately become aware of a brand’s identity and values by the packaging’s design, color scheme, and general attractiveness. 

Customers can be persuaded to trust a product by a well-designed package, affecting how safe and effective they perceive the product. 

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5. Utilize customer feedback and testimonials

Using customer testimonials and feedback in advertising campaigns is an effective tactic that capitalizes on people’s social tendencies.

Since humans are naturally social beings, seeing others share positive experiences about a product is credible and reassuring.

Including real client testimonials in marketing materials—like websites, social media accounts, or promotional materials—can give prospective clients practical advice and create a feeling of community.

People are more likely to trust a brand and feel secure in their choice to interact when they read about other people who have had good experiences with a product.

Supplement marketing strategies example: user-testimonial-engagebay
A user’s testimonial for EngageBay on G2

Incorporating consumer feedback into marketing initiatives also enables companies to highlight the advantages and worth of their products, making it one of the best supplement marketing strategies. 

Companies can effectively address the concerns of potential consumers and create a compelling case for choosing their brand by emphasizing particular parts of the customer experience, such as great customer service, product effectiveness, or distinctive features. 

Testimonials with social proof work as persuasive tools that use people’s natural desire to seek out recommendations and pleasant experiences from others.

Ethical considerations and best practices for utilizing client testimonials and feedback

Although using client endorsements and comments in marketing efforts is an effective tactic, it must be done ethically to preserve credibility and trust.

Genuineness and openness are crucial; never edit testimonials to mislead clients, and always get people’s consent before displaying their comments. To accurately and thoroughly represent the good or service, it is imperative to represent a wide range of experiences and welcome positive and constructive criticism.

Maintaining ethical standards involves constant vigilance.

It would help if you implemented robust moderation processes to swiftly address unethical practices, such as fake testimonials or biased reviews, which can tarnish your brand’s reputation. By consistently adhering to these ethical considerations, your brand can effectively harness the persuasive power of customer feedback and testimonials while upholding your commitment to transparency and honesty in your marketing efforts.

Furthermore, reveal any monetary or occupational connections with customers who offer endorsements, guaranteeing openness about possible conflicts of interest. 

6. Take advantage of omnichannel marketing

The term “omnichannel strategy” describes a brand’s comprehensive approach to every channel-based customer interaction.

With an omnichannel strategy, you give customers a uniform, unified experience across digital and brick-and-mortar touchpoints. All of the components work together to reach audiences at every stage of the customer journey by treating each channel as a component of a single brand experience.

Furthermore, an omnichannel approach covers the full customer journey, starting when a customer discovers a brand and continuing through to the point of purchase, customer loyalty, and beyond.

When audiences consistently engage with your brand across channels, an effective omnichannel approach streamlines and expedites purchasing.

Best practices for a cohesive omnichannel marketing approach

Implementing a cohesive omnichannel marketing approach is essential for businesses seeking a seamless and unified experience across various customer touchpoints.

A fundamental best practice involves maintaining consistent branding elements across all channels, such as messaging, visuals, and tone. 

This consistency fosters brand recognition and ensures that customers encounter a unified identity regardless of whether they engage through online platforms, physical stores, or other channels.

A cohesive brand image builds trust and reinforces the overall brand perception, contributing to a more integrated and memorable customer experience.

Prioritize integrating customer data from different channels to achieve a cohesive omnichannel strategy.

Creating a unified customer profile enables a comprehensive understanding of individual preferences, behaviors, and purchase history. This integrated data approach facilitates personalized marketing campaigns, allowing your business to tailor content, recommendations, and promotions based on the unique characteristics of each customer.

The result is a more targeted and relevant engagement, enhancing the overall effectiveness of marketing efforts and fostering stronger connections with the audience.

Furthermore, the seamless integration of technology is crucial in successful omnichannel marketing. Real-time data sharing and coordination across several channels is made possible by investing in integrated solutions like marketing automation tools and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems

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7. Analyze and adapt to market trends

The health sector is dynamic, so staying ahead of the curve demands a multidimensional strategy that starts with ongoing trend analysis.

Through thorough market research and social media analysis, your business may stay abreast of industry movements and acquire a sophisticated grasp of emerging trends and evolving customer habits. Continually reading trade journals contributes to this knowledge by offering insightful information on changing wellness and health desires.

Customer feedback is an immense resource in this fast-paced industry. You must actively solicit and analyze consumer feedback through surveys, social media interactions, and reviews. This priceless input not only discloses the tastes and expectations of customers but also acts as a real-time gauge of new trends.

Using this information, you can improve your products to meet customer needs better and adapt to changing market conditions.

Besides being proactive in product adaptation, your brand’s ability to adapt is further strengthened by partnerships with industry experts and influencers. You can obtain knowledge, various resources, and a larger audience through partnerships. 

8. Measure your marketing success

There’s so much that relies on collecting data.

Without adequate monitoring and analysis, you cannot know how your audience is reacting to your marketing material, and as such, a lot of your strategy will be left to estimates and guesses. 

Thankfully, online marketing offers a plethora of data that you can use to measure the success of your marketing strategy. Below are some of the key performance indices that you should look out for when measuring the success of your supplement marketing strategy.

Brand awareness and engagement

  • Website traffic: Monitor website visits, unique visitors, and time spent on-site to gauge online brand awareness.
  • Social media engagement: Track likes, shares, comments, and follower growth on relevant platforms. Consider sentiment analysis to understand audience perception.
  • Brand mentions: Monitor online conversations to measure organic brand reach and sentiment.

Acquisition and conversion

  • Cost per acquisition (CPA): Track the average cost to acquire a new customer through each marketing channel.
  • Conversion rate: Measure the percentage of website visitors or leads who make a purchase.
  • Lead generation rate: Track how website visitors or social media followers turn into qualified leads.

Customer retention and loyalty

  • Customer retention rate: Measure the percentage of customers who repeat purchases within a specific timeframe.
  • Customer lifetime value (CLTV): Calculate the] average revenue a customer generates over their lifetime.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Track customer loyalty and brand advocacy through surveys.

Sales and profitability

  • Average order value (AOV): Monitor the average amount spent per purchase.
  • Revenue growth rate: Track overall revenue increase over time.
  • Return on investment (ROI): Measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns by comparing revenue generated to cost.

Now that you know the KPI to measure the success of your marketing strategy, let us explore the tools and techniques. 

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Tools and techniques for tracking and analyzing the effectiveness of marketing strategies

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful web analytics tool that offers comprehensive data on user activity, website traffic, and conversion rates. It facilitates monitoring campaign efficacy, evaluating the success of online marketing initiatives, and pinpointing areas needing development.

Supplement marketing strategies example: Google analytics dashboard
Google Analytics dashboard

Social media platforms

Social media platforms offer built-in analytics tools that comprehensively overview engagement, reach, and audience demographics.

Tools like Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, and LinkedIn Analytics help marketers assess the impact of their social media strategies and refine their approach based on real-time data.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems

CRM platforms—like EngageBay or HubSpot—allow companies to track and evaluate client interactions at every stage of the sales process.

These platforms monitor users’ preferences, activities, and communication histories, providing insightful data on how well marketing tactics convert leads into paying clients.

Email marketing analytics

Email marketing platforms like Mailchimp or EngageBay provide analytics on email open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

These metrics help marketers gauge the performance of email campaigns, allowing for adjustments to content, timing, and segmentation strategies.

Supplement marketing strategies example: EngageBay email marketing dashboard
EngageBay marketing dashboard

Heatmaps and user testing

Tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg use heatmaps to represent website user interactions visually.

Marketers gain valuable insights into user behavior by analyzing where users click, scroll, or spend the most time and can optimize website design and content accordingly.

A/B testing

This is also called split testing.

It produces two iterations of a marketing piece—like an email subject line or landing page—and compares their performance. A/B testing is made easier by programs like Optimizely or Google Optimize, including statistical analysis to help find the most successful variations.

Survey and feedback tools

Gathering direct feedback from customers through surveys or feedback forms can offer qualitative insights into the effectiveness of marketing strategies. Tools like SurveyMonkey, Typeform or any other Typeform alternatives allow businesses to collect structured feedback and identify areas for improvement.

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The impact of implementing a well-crafted supplement marketing strategy is evident in the benefits enjoyed – from increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and improved sales and revenue to market adaptability. 

Remember that sometimes it’s not the best products that make the most sales but the most visible product because people won’t buy from you if they don’t know you, so you must invest in marketing your supplement brand.

EngageBay streamlines your marketing efforts, enabling you to market better and smarter from a single platform. Do it all on EngageBay—email marketing, social media, CRM, marketing automation, sales, and customer support.

You can gather customer data, analyze online behavior, and build a robust buyer persona. Also, its integration with major eCommerce brands like Shopify means setting up your online store and selling to your existing contacts, getting order details, analyzing customer behavior, and targeting opportunities at the right time. 

About The Author

1 thought on “8 Winning Supplement Marketing Strategies for 2024”

  1. Raihanie Ayunan

    Great blog! I love how you’ve highlighted these 8 winning supplement marketing strategies. As a supplement enthusiast, I’m always looking for effective ways to promote my products. Which strategy do you think is the most impactful?

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