
How to Attract Modern Patients: 11 Effective Healthcare Marketing Ideas

The healthcare industry is becoming increasingly competitive by the day. With the emergence of new players, sustaining services and business is harder than ever before. This is where online marketing comes into play. As the internet continues to reach every corner of the world, modern-day healthcare providers like you can use this to their advantage.

Modern-day consumers want their hospitals and healthcare providers to evolve with time too. They expect you to provide online services, live chat facilities, informational content, and whatnot. Thus, having a robust healthcare marketing strategy is no longer a choice for 21st-century healthcare businesses. It has become a necessity!

Whether you have an established healthcare business or just getting started in the industry, having a good hospital marketing strategy can help you stay ahead of the competition. Today, we are going to share 11 practical healthcare marketing ideas to take your business to the next level.

Let’s dive in!

Healthcare Marketing Ideas That Work Today

Since digital healthcare marketing is more cost effective than traditional marketing, many hospitals and healthcare providers have started leveraging it.

If used correctly, healthcare marketing can help modern-day healthcare providers like you improve communication with your patients, boost your online presence, and ultimately drive more business.

With that said, let’s explore the eleven best healthcare marketing ideas to help you reach and engage your target audience.

Image depicting online marketing and use of technology in the healthcare industry

1. Create educational content for patients and fellow physicians

Content marketing is one of the strongest and most essential pillars of online marketing. No matter what kind of business you own, creating and posting top-notch content on the internet can be beneficial for you as well as your audience.

Creating educational and valuable content becomes all the more important when you are in the healthcare industry. This is because the prime goal of a healthcare professional is to raise awareness about various health conditions and encourage their customers to stay healthy.

You can do this by creating educational content such as blogs, infographics, and informational videos that are relevant to your target audience’s interests.

Such healthcare content will not only help you establish yourself as an expert in the industry but will also be highly valued by your target audience.

Further, you can share educational content like infographics and short videos on your healthcare website, social media channels, and email marketing campaigns to reach a wider audience. Thus, it is a win-win for everyone!

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2. Attract high-quality leads with SEO

SEO or search engine optimization is essential to your medical marketing strategy. With the help of lead-generating SEO strategies like target keywords, link building, and local SEO, you can improve your website’s visibility and attain more qualified leads.

Some of the most effective lead-generating SEO strategies include creating well-optimized content, asking for patient reviews on Google and Yelp, and engaging with your target audience.

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3. Understand the latest trends your competitors are using

Image depicting healthcare marketing stats and trends

The healthcare industry has become more dynamic than before. Thus, to place your medical practice at the top, you must keep an eye on the latest healthcare marketing trends.

See if any of these trends align with your goals and target audience. If they do, figure out ways to implement them in your marketing campaign.

To create an effective healthcare marketing plan, it is critical to understand how your competitors use the latest marketing trends and strategies. This will give you new content ideas and help you understand what is working in the healthcare space and what is not.

Healthcare is a business. And the speed of business is always faster than most humans can think, much less move. Using the best of technology will take the burden off a team – making certain aspects, such as urgent care EMR, easy and seamless. Your competition is using software like this. You should be, too.

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4. Dial up the visual appeal of your healthcare website

Your healthcare website is one of your most powerful virtual assets. It is your online home that acts as the main point of contact between your medical practice and potential patients. A well-constructed, user-friendly, and attractive website can help you attract more visitors and build a memorable online brand.

So, while you work on improving your social media pages and creating better content, don’t forget to pay some attention to your website too. Make sure that your website is up-to-date, easy to navigate, and visually appealing. Have a fixed color theme and font styles to strengthen your brand.

Additionally, ensure your website is fully optimized for smaller screens and that it is fast and responsive. Today, a large number of people use mobile phones to access various websites. So, having a mobile-friendly website will help you convert more visitors into patients.

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5. Make the most of your relationships with current and previous patients

Image depicting doctor and patient

One of the most important healthcare marketing strategies is nurturing relationships with current and previous patients. Word-of-mouth travels fast in the online world, and your patients can be a powerful source of referrals for your medical practice.

By fostering strong relationships with these patients, you can encourage them to refer their friends and family to your hospital or private service. It will help you find more consumers at a much faster pace.

Here are some of the most effective ways to foster relationships with current and previous patients:

  • Stay in touch with them through email marketing campaigns
  • Stay active on social media and respond to their comments and queries
  • Send birthday wishes and cards
  • Ask for feedback and referrals

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6. Always be responsive on social media and ask for reviews

Another excellent healthcare marketing tip is to stay active on various social media platforms. From Instagram to LinkedIn, having a presence on different platforms can help you attract more consumers.

Be active on social media and respond promptly to any comments or questions that you receive. If your hospital or clinic is quite popular on social media, hiring a special media manager who can handle your accounts can be helpful. Further, be sure to post relevant content according to different social media platforms.

For example, reels and video content are popular on Instagram, while text-based posts and carousels work best on LinkedIn.

Google reviews by patients for healthcare businesses in Vancouver
Google reviews by patients for healthcare businesses in Vancouver

Additionally, make sure to ask your existing and previous patients to leave reviews on your social media and Google My Business profile. Update your profile with new posts related to your services, and schedule your GMB posts in a planned manner.

This will help you build trust with potential patients and improve your online reputation.

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7. Leverage PPC and display ads to boost your healthcare marketing

PPC or pay-per-click and display ads are different forms of paid search advertising that you can use in your healthcare marketing initiatives.

PPC enables you to target specific keywords and attract visitors to a specific website page or landing page, making it easier to reach your target audience.

As its name suggests, you will have to pay a certain amount each time someone clicks on your advertisement. Display ads are also paid ads that can be used to promote your healthcare services and brand awareness.

Combining local SEO with paid ads can boost your online marketing efforts and help you reach your target audience effortlessly.

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8. Don’t forget to follow up with consumers and ask for feedback

Your patients and consumers are the most important part of your healthcare business. Thus, keeping them happy and satisfied should be at the top of your priority list. One of the best ways to do this is through consistent communication.

Make it easy for your patients to reach out to you and discuss any issue they might be facing. Show your patients that you care about their experiences by following up and asking for feedback after providing your services.

By regularly asking patients for their feedback, you can get a better understanding of their views, and expectations, and find out what is working and what needs improvement. Along with this, make sure to learn how to address negative feedback and reviews. Use them to make positive changes to your healthcare marketing strategies.

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9. Use email marketing to keep your patients up-to-date

Creating unique email marketing campaigns can be a great way to keep your patients updated about new services, send consultation reminders, share offers, and more.

Healthcare email marketing is a powerful and cost-effective method of reaching and engaging with your existing and past patients.

healthcare newsletter by SecondOpinion
Healthcare newsletter by SecondOpinion

Here are some of the ways you can make the most of email marketing initiatives:

  • Start a healthcare and wellness-based newsletter and send it to your subscribers regularly. This will help you stay in touch with your consumers and give them updates about your medical practice. A newsletter is also an excellent way to build your email list and collect the contact details of potential leads and patients.
  • Share promotional emails about discount offers, newly launched patient care services and treatments, and upcoming events.
  • Make sure that all your emails are creatively written and personalized. This will help you make your emails more relevant to each recipient.

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10. Use video marketing to make your content more attractive

Video marketing is growing rapidly in the healthcare industry. Studies have estimated that 80% of internet users will watch a video while only 20% of them will read a blog post thoroughly. Thus, leveraging the popularity of videos can boost your online content.

Videos allow you to share your content in an interesting and engaging manner. The audio-visual combination makes it easier for the audience to understand and remember the information. Videos are also better at retaining the user’s attention than text-based content.

Different types of healthcare marketing videos that you can create include the following:

  • Educational videos like how-to guides, step-by-step guides, etc.
  • Promotional videos
  • Behind-the-scenes videos
  • Testimonial videos of past patients

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11. Create case study videos to convert website visitors

Using case study videos is one of the best ways to showcase your expertise and place yourself as an industry leader. With such a video, you can explain how you helped a patient resolve their problem and achieve successful results.

By highlighting a specific patient’s story, you can demonstrate the impact of your healthcare services and help to convert leads into patients. This will encourage people who are facing the same issue to get in touch with you and seek your advice.

For example, how Cardi Health shares some case studies in video and article form about the dangers of cardiovascular diseases. By sharing these stories, Cardi Health establishes itself as a trusted resource and encourages individuals facing similar health concerns to explore the app’s features and benefits.

If you are planning to create a healthcare case study video for the first time, here are some useful tips for the same:

  • Make sure to keep your focus on the results you have achieved and the impact you have created on your patient’s life through your healthcare services or products.
  • If possible, include a short testimonial of the patient. It will act as excellent proof and will help you build credibility.
  • Keep your video short, crisp, and visually appealing. Implement storytelling to make it more engaging.

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Wrapping Up

So there you have it! These were our top eleven healthcare marketing ideas that will help you boost your online reputation and attract high-quality leads.

Before starting your healthcare marketing, we encourage you to analyze your business goals and expectations carefully. Make sure to have a breakdown of your marketing budget and how much you are ready to spend.

Once you have that clarity, start implementing these marketing strategies, and you will see positive results soon!

If you want to learn about the most affordable all-in-one marketing automation and CRM solution, check out EngageBay.

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