
23 Best Sales Books to Collect Nuggets of Sales Wisdom (With Reviews)

With over 4,700+ books tagged under the sales genre on Goodreads, it’s no wonder that finding the perfect starting point can be a daunting task. In a world where the art of selling is essential for business success, it’s crucial to invest time in the right literature. 

As the famous playwright George Bernard Shaw once remarked, “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” 

In the world of sales, embracing new knowledge and strategies can be the catalyst for professional growth and success.

To make the search easier and more enjoyable, here’s a curated list of 23 must-read sales books.

These timeless classics come highly recommended by sales professionals and industry experts alike. Moreover, this guide showcases top-rated books from various best-seller lists, encompassing a wide array of topics tailored specifically for sales professionals. These sales books cater to diverse needs and interests, so there’s a perfect choice for everyone.

Please note, however, that we have not ranked these books — they’re listed here in no particular order.

Without any further ado, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

#1. Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount

Fanatical Prospecting book cover image

Fanatical Prospecting dives deep into the world of sales, unraveling the most important yet often ignored activity in sales – prospecting. Jeb Blount, a renowned sales expert and speaker, puts the significance of having a relentless mindset when it comes to prospecting. 

The book is packed with practical strategies, sales techniques, and insights to help you achieve explosive growth in your sales pipeline.

Blount’s writing style is engaging, easy to understand, and filled with real-life examples from his own experiences. 

Core topics covered by the book 
  • Understand why prospecting is the lifeblood of sales.
  • How neglecting prospecting can lead to a dry pipeline.
  • Learn how to maintain a healthy pipeline by constantly replacing the prospects you lose through attrition.
  • Balancing inbound and outbound prospecting.
  • Understand how your prospecting activities today will impact you in the next 30 days.
  • Suggestions on how to overcome fears, rejections, and other psychological barriers.
What people say about the book
“Empty pipelines haunt salespeople and sales organizations. Jeb Blount delivers a powerful formula for fixing activity problems and accelerating sales performance. Fanatical Prospecting is a masterpiece.”

Anthony Iannarino, author of 17 Elements and The Sales Blog

#2. Words That Sell by Richard Bayan

Words That Sell book cover image

Richard Bayan’s Words That Sell is a comprehensive reference guide for salespeople, copywriters, marketers, and business owners who want to learn how to use the right words to persuade, influence, and close deals. The book provides an extensive collection of powerful words and phrases that can be used in a variety of sales and marketing contexts. 

Whether you’re writing an email, crafting a sales pitch, or creating an advertisement, Words That Sell will help you find the perfect words to capture your audience’s attention and persuade them to take action.

Core topics covered by the book 
  • How to master the art of writing attention-grabbing headlines and more.
  • Learning a persuasive language to encourage people to take action.
  • Understand the importance of social proof and how to showcase customer testimonials and case studies effectively.
  • Overcoming objections cleverly.
  • Closing the deal using persuasive language and powerful closing techniques.
What people say about the book
“This is the perfect reference guide for anyone who writes copy, ads, emails… any writing or even speaking used to persuade and influence. Will expand your thinking and vocabulary as you explore, learn,  and get reminded of cowed combinations that will help you say it the right way for the right audience.”

Dre Baldwin, Amazon

Read also: Why You Need the Sales CHAMP Framework as Lead Filter

#3. The Introvert’s Edge: How the Quiet and Shy Can Outsell Anyone by Matthew Owen Pollard and Derek Lewis

The Introvert's Edge book cover

Written by Matthew Pollard, a successful sales expert and introvert himself, The Introvert’s Edge is a comprehensive guide that equips introverts with the tools they need to succeed in the world of sales. 

The book is filled with proven suggestions and powerful strategies that can help introverts leverage their natural tendencies to become top-performing salespeople.

Core topics covered by the book
  • The power of introversion and how to use it.
  • A clear, structured sales process for introverts.
  • How to close with storytelling.
  • How to create a brand that attracts customers, and helps them build lasting relationships as an introvert.
  • Tips to overcome common introvert challenges.
What people say about the book
“That was an amazing lesson. Reinforced the basics and made me feel so confident as an introvert. I have a whole new perspective on the selling approach. I mean telling stories and using scripts. An eye-opener for anyone in sales, highly recommend it. Worth the 5 hours of reading time.”

Tapnet, Amazon

#4. The Science of Selling by David Hoffeld

the science of selling book cover image

The Science of Selling takes a unique angle toward the world of sales. Instead of relying on old, outdated methods, author David Hoffeld combines cutting-edge research in social psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral economics to create a revolutionary sales system. 

Hoffeld’s scientifically proven strategies are designed to align with how our brains are wired, making it easier for you to connect with your customers and persuade them to make a purchase.

The book helps you read the emotions behind the decision-making process so you can tailor your sales approach and press the right button at the right time.

Core topics covered by the book
  • Six psychological reasons behind why people buy, and how to address them in your sales approach.
  • How to use scientifically proven techniques to persuade customers.
  • How to align your sales strategy with how the brain processes information.
  • The art of asking the right questions.
  • Creating strong, lasting relationships with your clients, built on trust and credibility.
  • Science-backed closing techniques.
What people say about the book
“The strategies outlined in this book are practical and make a lot of sense. However, there is so much to process to execute the steps to a successful sale that one can literally choke on the information. The author would’ve been better served to break this down with visuals and perhaps condense the amount of information and examples. It will take several readings for me to absorb half of what the book offers.”

Stefan Pagacik, Amazon

#5. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook book image

In Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, Gary Vaynerchuk, a renowned entrepreneur and social media celebrity, shares his winning strategy for making a mark on today’s noisy social media landscape.

In a nutshell, Vaynerchuk explains that “jabs” are the value-adding pieces of content that you share with your audience, and the “right hook” is the sales pitch or call-to-action that you deliver after building a relationship with your audience. 

Core Topics Covered by the Book 
  • Crafting compelling stories and narratives that resonate with your target audience.
  • Mastering the nuances of each social media platform.
  • The importance of context in social media.
  • Analyzing the performance of your content.
  • Continuously adapting your strategy to stay ahead of the competition.
What people say about the book
“Outstanding! With the ever-moving target of social media, it’s refreshing to see the principles of marketing in a social media world discussed in this book vs strategies and social media tactics only. This book is an excellent balance of “how” and “why” to tell your story on social media.”

BG Hamrick, Amazon

Don’t have the time to read? Watch our video instead:


#6. Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss

Never Split The Difference book cover image

Did you know that the skills used by FBI negotiators to save lives can also be applied to sales? It is going to be fun for you then. 

Never Split the Difference is authored by a former FBI lead international kidnapping negotiator Chris Voss. In the book, Voss provides powerful negotiation techniques and strategies applicable not only to sales but to everyday life.

Drawing from his experience in high-stakes negotiations, Voss shares insights and practical tools that can transform the way you approach any deal or negotiation.

Core topics covered by the book 
  • Building rapport through tactical empathy.
  • Mastering the “accusation audit” to disarm your counterpart.
  • Uncovering hidden information with calibrated questions.
  • Implementing the “mirroring” technique for effective communication.
  • Identifying and overcoming common negotiation pitfalls.
What people say about the book
“Great techniques for negotiating all things from business to parenting. Though at times Voss’ methods can come across as sounding manipulative (which is kind of what negotiating is), the reader might find some concepts such as “tactical empathy” problematic. Nonetheless, Voss gives many practical tips on how to communicate your point and get the other side to reevaluate their stance.”

Alo, Amazon

Read also: Sales Analysis: Learn To Zoom In & Master the Pipeline

#7. Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff

Pitch Anything book image

Pitch Anything is a bestselling sales book written by Oren Klaff, an investment banker and expert in raising capital. The book combines neuroscience, psychology, and Klaff’s own experience to provide readers with an effective method for presenting, persuading, and closing deals.

Using his unique approach, Klaff claims that anyone can improve their ability to pitch ideas and secure funding, regardless of their industry or level of expertise.

Core topics covered by the book 
  • The STRONG method: A framework for structuring and delivering a successful pitch.
  • Understanding the “crocodile brain” and how it influences decision-making.
  • Crafting a “big idea” that captures attention and creates interest.
  • Mastering the art of frame control to maintain power during negotiations.
  • Tips for overcoming common objections and closing deals effectively.
What people say about the book
“I highly recommend this book to anyone who feels they aren’t yet getting the level of recognition and respect that their talents and hard work deserve…”

Sara Korn, Amazon

#8. Brandwashed by Martin Lindstrom

Brainwashed Book image

Brandwashed is a thought-provoking book written by Martin Lindstrom, a renowned brand consultant and marketing expert. 

The book delves into the world of branding and marketing, exploring the psychological tactics that companies use to manipulate consumers and create brand loyalty.

Lindstrom uses real-life examples and his own research to unveil the hidden techniques that influence our purchasing decisions, often without us even realizing it.

Core topics covered by the book
  • The power of nostalgia in shaping consumer preferences.
  • How companies use fear to sell products and services.
  • The role of peer pressure and social proof in driving brand loyalty.
  • The influence of subliminal messaging and sensory manipulation in marketing.
  • Strategies for consumers to resist the pull of branding and make smarter purchasing decisions.
What people say about the book
“I heard about this book from my son who was getting his marketing degree. Sounded like a good read and it was. Good info to help consumers buy smarter. Author seems to know his stuff. Can’t wait to pick up another one of his books.”

Anitta Armstrong, Amazon

#9. The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy

The psychology of Selling Book image

The Psychology of Selling, authored by Brian Tracy, is another classic sales book that delves into the mental and emotional aspects of the sales process.

The book provides readers with proven techniques and strategies that can be applied in various sales scenarios, making it an essential read for anyone looking to improve their sales skills.

Not to gush, but, it can be said that the book can help anyone understand all the psychological triggers that drive human behavior.

Core topics covered by the book 
  • The importance of self-image and attitude in sales success.
  • Building rapport and trust with prospects.
  • Identifying customer needs and desires.
  • Effective communication and persuasion techniques.
  • Overcoming objections and closing deals.
  • Time management and goal setting for sales professionals.
What people say about the book
“I have been doing sales for almost 3 years at this point, and of course, I do not consider myself an expert in this area yet! I have read almost 10 sales books since I started working in sales, and this book gave me a great new perspective. You will get an easy layout of the sales process and fantastic techniques to improve yourself, your presentations, questions, and how to close more sales. It inspired me to make more calls, send more emails, and work harder on my “day-to-day.” I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for new techniques, good refreshers, and motivation that can be hard to find sometimes in sales.”

Nat, Amazon

Read also: 15 Great Sales Page Examples (And Why They Convert)

#10. Way Of The Wolf by Jordan Belfort

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Way Of The Wolf by Jordan Belfort, famously known as The Wolf of Wall Street, is a best-selling sales book that teaches readers how to become a persuasive, high-performing salesperson. 

Drawing from his own experiences and success in the world of sales, Belfort shares practical tips and strategies to help readers close deals, build rapport, and dominate their industry. Moreover, books can be extremely helpful for sales reps or entrepreneurs wanting to master sales, especially high-ticket selling. 

Core topics covered by the book 
  • Belfort’s unique approach to selling.
  • Mastering the art of persuasion through vocal tones and nonverbal cues.
  • Creating instant trust and connection with clients.
  • Handling and addressing customer concerns with ease.
  • Proven methods to seal the deal and secure a sale.
What people say about the book
“Bestselling author and The Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort, shares step-by-step instructions on using his very successful Straight Line System for any business, industry, and even your personal life. He notes that you do not have to be in sales to use this system. You can use it from selling your great qualities in a job interview to sell anyone on a great idea. He teaches one how to use the Three Tens to influence a customer. He discusses the five core elements of the Straight Line System and notes the three things that “absolutely must come across in the first four seconds of an encounter with a customer.”

Pooshkah1, Amazon

#11. Cracking the Sales Management Code by Jason Jordan and Michelle Vazzana


Cracking the Sales Management Code book cover

In a nutshell, Cracking the Sales Management Code by Jason Jordan and Michelle Vazzana offers a practical framework for sales leaders to manage their sales teams effectively. 

The book is based on extensive research and interviews with top-performing sales organizations worldwide. It presents a data-driven approach to sales management, focusing on the key activities and metrics that truly drive sales success. It is especially recommended for the salesperson who is new in the industry and looking to climb quickly.

Core topics covered by the book 
  1. A structured approach to managing sales teams focused on results, activities, and objectives.
  2. Identifying the key performance indicators (KPIs) that actually drive sales success.
  3. Establishing clear, achievable goals for sales teams and aligning them with organizational objectives.
  4. Developing coaching skills to improve sales team performance.
  5. Implementing effective processes to measure, analyze, and optimize sales performance.
What people say about the book
“I read a lot of books. It used to be about 50 a year, but now I read many more summaries and fewer full books, cover to cover. I especially read books about business, sales, training, organization development, and performance improvement. I say that as a precursor to my statement that Jason Jordan and Michelle Vazzana’s book, Cracking The Sales Management Code is one I read cover to cover recently, and it is currently one of my top three choices for books on sales management and sales performance improvement. Frankly, I wish I had written it.”

Mike Kunkle, Amazon

#12. SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham

Spin Selling book cover image

One of the best sales books that have stood the test of time and continue to transform sales careers is SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham. Published in 1988, this groundbreaking book is based on Rackham’s extensive research on sales success, analyzing thousands of sales calls.

The term SPIN is an acronym for the four critical aspects of a successful sales call: Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-Payoff. 

The book highlights that sales success is not just about pitching a product or service, but rather about understanding the customer’s needs and offering value-based solutions. 

Core topics covered by the book
  • Importance of digging deeper into the customer’s problems and identifying the root cause.
  • Helping the customer realize the consequences of not addressing their problems.
  • Crafting need-payoff solutions.
  • Developing strategies to foster trust and rapport with customers.
What people say about the book
“When someone tells you that a book is a “page-turner,” you probably think of the latest top-list best-seller. Now you’ll think of Buyology….Pick up a copy of this book and get one of those highlighting thingamajiggies before you fix your ad budget for the new year. Buyology is definitely money well-spent.”

— The Eagle Tribune

Read also: 6 Ways To Make Practically Every Sales Call Close

#13. Buyology by Martin Lindstrom

Buyology book cover image

Long story short, Buyology delves deep into the world of neuromarketing and reveals the hidden triggers that influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. 

Written by Martin Lindstrom, a world-renowned brand consultant, the book is based on an extensive three-year study involving over 2,000 participants from five continents. This book was written on the observations found from the extensive research carried out to track brain activity and uncover the underlying motivations behind our buying choices. 

This book stands out as the insights compiled in the book are pulled from real-world findings. As a result, it is recommended for sales persons of all levels!

Core topics covered by the book 
  • Compelling persuasive narratives to evoke emotions.
  • Discovering the psychological impact of rituals in building brand loyalty.
  • Learning to influence the language of sensory stimuli.
  • Mastering the controversial world of hidden messages and their effectiveness in shaping consumer behavior.
  • Using fear as a marketing tool.
  • The future of neuromarketing.

Read also: Learning From The Experts: 14 Great Marketing Strategy Books

#14. Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi

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It’s not just what you know but who you know that makes the difference. This is the central theme of Keith Ferrazzi’s best-selling book, Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time.

Published in 2005, this book has gained immense popularity among sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and business leaders, primarily because of its focus on the power of relationships and networking. 

Ferrazzi shares his personal experiences, anecdotes, and valuable insights to help readers build meaningful connections and leverage them for professional success.

Core topics covered by the book
  • The mindset of a successful networker.
  • Building a powerful network from scratch.
  • Turning connections into lasting relationships.
  • Mastering the art of small talk.
  • Using social media for networking.
  • Strategies for attending events and conferences.
  • Leveraging your network for career advancement.
  • Giving back to your network and nurturing relationships.
What people say about the book
“Never Eat Alone is a rare, detailed glimpse into how those with no special access can connect to those they want to meet. For many people who are good at connecting, this activity becomes a way of life. It’s a profession and a hobby. As such, connecting can become all consuming. Many will find that aspect of Mr. Ferrazzi’s story to be unattractive. But I found his candor in this regard to be refreshing.”

Donald Mitchell, Amazon

#15. The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes

Cover image of The Ultimate Sales Machine book

The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes is a must-read for anyone involved in sales and marketing. The book provides a roadmap to success for businesses of all sizes, promising to transform your salesforce into a powerhouse by implementing proven strategies and techniques. 

Moreover, The Ultimate Sales Machine has been lauded by industry experts and has become a staple in the world of sales literature.

Core topics covered by the book
  • Time management techniques for ultimate productivity.
  • Identifying and focusing on your “Dream 100” clients.
  • Mastering the art of effective sales presentations.
  • Creating an educational-based marketing strategy.
  • Building a high-performance sales team.
  • Developing long-lasting relationships with clients.
  • Utilizing the power of follow-up and consistent contact.
What people say about the book
“I’m almost halfway through this book and I felt compelled to stop and write a review. I think that says something.

I’ve already gotten so much value out of the opening six chapters, the return on investment is unbelievable.”

DJ, Amazon

Read also: Sales Blitz Definition, Example, and Strategy

#16. New Sales. Simplified. by Mike Weinberg


New Sales Simplified book cover

New Sales. Simplified. has become a must-read for anyone looking to transform their sales approach and make a lasting impact in today’s competitive market. 

It was released in 2012. Combining practical, real-world experience with a no-nonsense, straightforward writing style, Weinberg breaks down the complexities of sales into simple, actionable steps. He challenges the common myths and misconceptions about sales and provides powerful insights for sales reps to attract new customers.

Core topics covered by the book 
  • Creating a compelling sales story that sets you apart from the competition.
  • Building a targeted, high-quality prospect list.
  • Crafting effective sales call scripts and email templates.
  • Mastering the art of the sales call and securing appointments.
  • Developing a winning sales strategy and managing your sales pipeline.
  • Nurturing relationships and turning prospects into long-term clients.
  • Overcoming objections and closing deals with confidence.
  • Boosting your sales team’s performance and fostering a winning culture.
What people say about the book
New Sales. Simplified. is truly priceless. This is a book you don’t read once; it’s one you read with a highlighter and pad, taking notes on each topic. After you’ve read it and marked it up, you’ll find yourself coming back time and time again for more ideas to help you grow your sales.”

Mark Hunter, author of High-Profit Selling

#17. Confessions Of An Advertising Man by David Ogilvy


David Ogilvy Confessions of an Advertising Man book cover

Written by the “Father of Advertising” himself, Confessions of an Advertising Man is a captivating book that reveals the secrets behind successful campaigns and shares Ogilvy’s personal experiences in the industry.

Moreover, published in 1963, this book has stood the test of time, offering insights that are as relevant today as they were when it first hit the shelves. Not only for salespeople, but this book can be no less than a golden nugget for marketers and advertisers. 

Core topics covered by the book
  • Crafting irresistible headlines and copy.
  • The Art of effective persuasion.
  • Building powerful brand images.
  • Utilizing consumer research.
  • The significance of creative brilliance.
  • The importance of ethical advertising.
  • Time-tested techniques to win clients.
  • Nurturing and retaining talent.
What people say about the book
“It’s a well-written, clean book which breaks out his concepts, tactics, and techniques and is a must-read for anyone in business—and particularly marketing and PR.” 

Ronn Torossian, CEO, 5WPR

#18. Cashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman

Book image of Cashvertising

Cashvertising, the transformative book by advertising guru Drew Eric Whitman, is your ultimate guide to unlocking the secrets of sales success. 

It has been praised by very highly renowned industry leaders and readers alike. Whitman offers a deep dive into the world of persuasive communication, helping you to transform your sales and marketing strategies like never before.

If you’re hungry for sales growth and ready to explore the hidden gems of persuasive techniques, Cashvertising is a must-read book that promises to leave you inspired and equipped to conquer the world of sales.

Core topics covered by the book 
  • Uncover the eight fundamental emotional triggers that drive consumer purchases.
  • Mastering the subtle art of influencing others through psychological tactics.
  • Tricks and techniques employed by top advertising agencies to create impactful ads.
  • Continuously improving your campaigns to achieve remarkable results.
What people say about the book
“This book will teach you everything about writing good ads. It’s straight to the point. It backs up its info with good research. Again covers everything, while still being easy to read & well organized.”

Mark B, Amazon

Read also: What Is Sales Volume? 8 Strategies to Boost Your Revenue

#19. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Book cover of How to Win Friends and Influence People

Dale Carnegie’s timeless classic, How to Win Friends and Influence People, has been the go-to guide for mastering the art of communication and persuasion. Over 30 million copies sold worldwide and translated into multiple languages, it remains an essential read for sales professionals and anyone looking to build meaningful connections.

The book offers practical, easy-to-implement advice to improve social skills and boost personal effectiveness. Carnegie’s principles have stood the test of time, proving their relevance in today’s fast-paced and competitive world.

Core topics covered by the book
  • Making people feel valued and appreciated.
  • Skill of active listening and expressing your thoughts clearly.
  • Proven strategies to influence others and win them over to your way of thinking.
  • The secrets to gracefully managing and overcoming negative feedback.
  • Developing the ability to resolve disputes and maintain positive relationships.
  • Leveraging tools to increase self-assurance and improve your interactions with others.
What people say about the book
“It is inspirational as I would expect of a Carnegie book, and it snapped my mindset to accept and engage through social media. But with purposeful intent. Thank you for this book.”

K. Hessberger, Amazon

#20. Brainfluence by Roger Dooley

Book Image of Brainfluence

Brainfluence is a perfect book for those who are looking for a sales book with a combination of neuroscience, psychology, and marketing. This fascinating read delves into the science behind consumer behavior, equipping you with powerful tools to boost your sales and marketing strategy.

Dooley’s expertise in neuromarketing shines through, as he presents 100 actionable techniques backed by scientific research and real-world case studies.

Core topics covered by the book
  • Understand the psychological triggers that influence consumer decisions.
  • Mastering cutting-edge tactics to tap into the subconscious mind of your customers.
  • Learning to evoke strong emotions and create lasting impressions.
  • Utilizing sensory marketing.
  • Importance of pricing and how to maximize profit and perceived value.
  • Boosting your digital presence with neuromarketing tactics tailored for the online world.
What people say about the book
“Brainfluence is a very practical guide to how the brain works and how that relates to everyday marketing ideas. It dives straight into practical applications and is more concise than some of the other neuromarketing books out there. The chapters are to the point and often reference other parts of the book, and he mentions lots of industry research but quickly summarizes the applicable points. There are some parts where he brings up ideas that go on a limb past where the research currently is, but he explains when these come up and describes how that conclusion came about.”

— T. Harvel, Amazon

#21. How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling by Frank Bettger

Book Image

Aspiring salespeople and seasoned professionals alike can benefit from Frank Bettger’s timeless classic, How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling. This compelling book details Bettger’s own journey from a struggling salesman to one of the highest-paid salesmen in America. 

Written in a unique tone, Bettger masterfully combines powerful anecdotes, actionable advice, and essential sales principles for sales reps to excel in the competitive world of sales.

Core topics covered by the book
  • The power of enthusiasm in sales.
  • The art of effective listening and questioning.
  • Building rapport and fostering trust with clients.
  • The importance of thorough product knowledge.
  • Strategies for overcoming objections and closing deals.
  • Effective time management and goal setting.
  • Leveraging personal experiences to create impactful stories.
  • Developing a winning mindset and the habit of persistence.
What people say about the book
“Powerful book! Besides his life experiences, Bettger gives you some doable tips. How hard is it to be enthusiastic when you’re speaking to someone in person or over the phone? Asking why? Wow, simple but never thought to ask because I always imagined the answer “because.” So many more useful tips and examples! I believe all previous insurance and real estate books that I’ve read borrowed from Bettger. I don’t think there is an existing book that you’d need to read on sale after this one!”

Najah, Amazon

Read also: Unethical Sales Practices and How to Avoid Them

#22. How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes

Book Image

Every salesperson knows that being a great communicator is essential to closing deals. One book that stands out as a must-read for mastering the art of communication is How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes. 

This bestselling book delves into the psychology of communication, offering practical techniques and strategies that can transform anyone into a confident, persuasive communicator. Filled with relatable anecdotes and research-backed data, Lowndes provides readers with 92 tips on how to engage with people and build rapport in any situation. 

This book is not just limited to sales professionals; it’s valuable for anyone looking to improve their interpersonal skills and boost their overall success.

Core topics covered by the book
  • Making powerful first impressions.
  • Mastering body language cues.
  • Developing active listening skills.
  • Building rapport through mirroring techniques.
  • Utilizing the power of voice tone and pitch.
  • Establishing credibility and trust.
What people say about the book
“It offers severance tips that are easy to remember and use. I personally started trying some of them and was amazed by the results. While reading the book, I’ve even had some flashbacks to moments and conversations in which these tricks would have been helpful.”

— Diego, Amazon

#23. To Sell Is Human by Daniel Pink

To Sell Is Human book cover image

Long story short, To Sell is Human by Daniel H. Pink is a psychology-related sales book helping sales reps master the practice of closing. Pink’s approach is based on extensive research and real-world examples, making it a must-read for professionals in any field.

In this eye-opening book, Pink breaks down the age-old myth that selling is a manipulative practice, and instead, emphasizes that it is a natural part of human interaction.

The book’s unique perspective on sales and the actionable advice provided make it the ultimate guide for mastering the art of persuasion and achieving success in today’s highly competitive landscape.

Core topics covered by the book
  • The ABCs of selling: Attunement, Buoyancy, and Clarity.
  • The six successors to the elevator pitch.
  • The art of understanding another’s perspective.
  • Sales as a service: creating win-win situations.
  • Developing improvisational skills for better communication.
  • How to make a genuine connection with potential clients.
What people say about the book
“Pink has rewired and rethought the ABC of the new world of selling and it’s Attunement, Buoyancy, and Clarity. Like his other books, he complements each idea with relevant case studies, strategies and a number of insight exercises.

— Martin Baker, Amazon

How To Choose The Perfect Sales Books For You

So, where should you start? The key lies in understanding your individual needs and preferences, as the best sales book for one person may not resonate with another. 

Here’s a guide to help you choose the perfect sales book based on your background and aspirations.

  • New to sales: If you’re just starting in the sales industry, go for foundational books that cover basic concepts and strategies. 
  • Seasoned salespeople: For experienced sales professionals looking to level up, seek out books that delve into advanced techniques, negotiation skills, and psychology.
  • Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners: If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner, focus on books that address sales strategies tailored to your unique needs. 
  • Salespeople in niche markets: For those in specific industries or markets, search for books that cater to your niche. For example, The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy offers insights tailored to B2B sales, while The Conversion Code by Chris Smith focuses on digital marketing and online sales.
  • Personal development enthusiasts: If you’re not in sales but you’re interested in improving your interpersonal skills, look for sales books that emphasize personal growth. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss are excellent options.

Read also: 12 Sales Scripts to Reshape The Future of Your Business


To wrap up, starting the journey to learn sales is fun and worthwhile. With so many sales books out there, there’s a perfect fit for everyone, regardless of their experience, field, or interests.

The sales books discussed in this blog post offer helpful knowledge, strategies, and tips to excel in sales. Remember to assess your background and goals, then pick up books that suit your needs.

Also, if you’re interested in trying the world’s most affordable sales automation and CRM software, try EngageBay.

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