
What is Attraction Marketing? [Guide Blog Post]

Most people are tired of the traditional ‘pushy’ marketing tactics that seem to be everywhere.

It seems like everywhere you turn, a new advertisement or commercial is trying to get you to buy something. And most of the time, these pitches come across as sleazy or desperate.

Attraction marketing is a different way of reaching out to potential customers. Instead of bombarding them with sales pitches, we focus on providing valuable content and creating relationships with our audience.

When people trust us and see that we’re helping them, they’ll be more likely to buy from us.

In this blog post, we will share:

  • The nitty-gritty of attraction marketing
  • The attraction marketing formula
  • Nice attraction marketing examples
  • A step-by-step breakdown of attraction marketing strategies

What is Attraction Marketing?

Attraction marketing refers to a marketing method that attracts customers or prospects by providing valuable information. The idea behind attraction marketing is to educate your target audience about the product without actually creating a sales pitch upfront.

Attraction marketing is all about using attraction principles to get people to take notice of you and your business.

The aim is to connect with potential customers in a more personal way, and it can be very effective in helping you build relationships with people who might not have otherwise given your brand any attention.

In fact, 81% of the consumers suggest they need trust in the brand before making a purchase decision. This form of marketing helps build trust and build an impression about your brand being less pushy to sell.

In other words, attraction marketing is a form of inbound marketing that involves creating valuable content with a focus on attracting customers by educating them and solving their pain points. 

One of the best examples of attraction marketing is content marketing

Content marketing focuses on educating the audience about the product using blogs, eBooks, webinars, whitepapers, and infographics.

If a home gardening brand focuses on educating its audience about modern machinery, its benefits, and its uses, it is more likely to build loyalty and trust in being an expert in the field. 

This will make your product more attractive to the target audience and they are more likely to convert to potential buyers.

Here is a quick video to help you understand better attraction marketing method: 


Does Attraction Marketing Work for Businesses?

Most businesses ignore attraction marketing because they think they already have a traditional form of marketing strategies like performance marketing or email marketing funnels.

You shouldn’t do that. Attraction marketing can be rewarding for businesses of all sizes and kinds.

Attraction marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on attracting customers by educating them about your product or service first instead of begging for attention or sending out cold calls and emails.

Attraction marketing establishes an emotional connection with an audience.

Attraction marketing gets into the hearts and minds of your customers.

Attraction marketing works. Spend more time on it.

A typical attraction marketing workflow looks like this:

attraction marketing workflow
EngageBay media

Now, let’s look at some reasons why attraction marketing is a prerequisite for any business.

Enhances Brand Visibility

Attraction marketing is a way of getting the brand maximum visibility. You serve your audience with content that aligns with your audience’s needs and provides value to them.

This way, you earn trust and build brand visibility among your target audience.

For instance, if you run a podcast or a webinar around your industry that attracts your target audience, the next time they want information about the topic, they will remember you.

Attraction marketing should be a major part of your brand awareness strategy.

Pulls Qualified Leads

Audiences will be interested in attending a webinar or reading the blog posts or eBook if they are interested in learning about how a product works.

Thus, the modern online business practice involves offering content that shows your expertise about a topic and piques the consumer’s interest.

lead generation process
Lead generation with EngageBay

Offering the right type of content at each stage of the sales funnel will bring you more qualified leads.

The attraction marketing strategy helps in both qualified lead generation and long-term customer retention. When you are constantly publishing quality content, you are growing an engaged audience base and building prospective leads in the process.

For example, if you are conducting weekly webinars educating your audience about important topics in your niche, eventually, you can pitch your product benefits and features to the same audience.

This way, you are banking on a better quality of lead generation.

👉Unlock the full potential of your marketing efforts with our guide on the most effective strategies! 🔓

Better ROI

One of the major perks of attraction marketing is that it is fairly affordable. A paid campaign or outbound marketing method like television ads, email marketing, or press releases can drain your marketing budget and may not guarantee you the desired ROI.

Attraction marketing content like blog posts, video content, podcasts, and webinars often cost much less than paid campaigns.

Research by Hubspot suggests that inbound generated leads cost 61% lower than outbound generated leads.

Even social proof, such as a customer testimonial or user-generated content on a social media platform, works as free attraction marketing content.

And, the benefits of social proof are immense, especially at the bottom of the funnel.

Read also: 30+ Marketing Podcasts To Level Up Your Game

Establishes Thought Leadership

If your content solves the pain points, addresses the real issue of your target audience, and offers them the features that are reliable and problem-solving, the industry sees you as a thought leader.

For example, Hubspot is a thought leader when it comes to marketing software solutions. It provides a wide range of customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing tools for large businesses and enterprises.

Author screenshot

Apart from directly promoting the tools, HubSpot publishes a lot of useful content for audiences of all types. Since they have a diverse user base, they create relevant content for many different buyer personas.

The marketers at HubSpot use blog posts, infographics, video content, podcasts, and webinars to get web traffic. They also write case studies to show real-life examples of their CRM functionalities.

From general and trending topics to less popular ones, HubSpot does not leave any stone unturned to build a brand image as an industry expert.

Read also: 13 Free Marketing Tools To Create Awesome, Engaging B2C Content

Examples of Attraction Marketing

Attraction marketing isn’t just for sales. It is for brand building. Influencers and single-person brands use attraction marketing just as much as big companies do.

They leverage social media, trade shows, webinar platforms, and blogs as part of their branding strategy.

Let’s look at some popular attraction marketing examples from influencers who have built their own brands.

Neil Patel

Neil Patel is an encyclopedia of digital marketing. He publishes tons of valuable resources through his blog, podcast, and YouTube channel, and above all, offers an SEO tool (Ubersuggest) for free.

Now, Ubersuggest might not be an industry leader in SEO tools, but Neil Patel has come to be considered an authority in the field.

Neil Patel attraction marketing
Author screenshot

He is always ready with hacks about search engine optimization and affiliate marketing. Neil also shares credible numbers and stats that make him trusted as an authentic and knowledgeable individual in digital marketing.

Readers get what they seek and in return, Neil Patel gets qualified leads, a growing email list, and inquiries about his search engine tool.

Throughout, Neil makes content the top priority that sells him as a brand. This way, he doesn’t have to be pushy, cold call potential customers, or buy ads everywhere.

Chrissy Teigen’s Cravings

Chrissy Teigen’s Cravings is a perfect example of how to leverage attraction marketing.

Through her blog, Chrissy offers cookbooks, kitchen products, and various recipes and videos.

attraction marketing example
Chrissy Teigen’s blog

On her social media channel, especially Instagram, Chrissy shares daily recipes through her reels or IGTV.

She offers free downloadable cookbooks that the target audience may use to learn new recipes.

Next, her cookbook includes the kitchen products from Cravings that the audience may be tempted to use next time.

This way, she gathers new leads as people who read her recipes eventually become new buyers for her kitchen products.


Fabric and craft brand JOANN uses free training videos on sewing, quilting, and crafting to attract audiences who are interested in learning and buying sewing products.

They even conduct 1-on-1 classes to teach their customers the basics of sewing.

attraction marketing by digital classes
Author screenshot

This way, the customers get interested and inspired to check out their crafting material or other products.

They leverage social media platforms like YouTube or Instagram to master the art of crafting. 

Also, they use aesthetic crafts and visuals on their social channels to pull social media traffic and convert them into loyal customers.

Read more: SMS Marketing – A Beginner’s Guide (Tips, Benefits, Examples)

Attraction Marketing Tips & Strategies

Be it small businesses or large enterprises, everyone needs research and well-devised attraction marketing tactics to get new buyers at a low cost of customer acquisition.

The marketing team needs to stick to their attraction marketing workflow to ensure that their marketing strategy hits the target.

If you’re just starting out, here are some actionable tips and strategies for a successful attraction marketing campaign.

Build Buyer Personas

Every market research starts right from there. What does your audience want to see? What are they interested in? What type of content do they consume more?

To stay competitive and receive positive customer feedback, you need to stay relevant to your audience’s needs. Knowing their pain points, desires, challenges, and solving a problem will likely boost your audience’s trust in you.

Below is an example of a typical buyer persona from Brightspark consulting.

attraction marketing example

Once you build the right buyer personas, you can start creating content that would resonate with your audience.

To delve deeper, you can brainstorm with colleagues and answer these questions:

  • Who are you? OR,
  • What is the core value of your business?
  • What is your main objective?
  • How can you serve your target market?
  • What are your long-term goals?
  • What content does your audience prefer?

Once you have got answers to these questions, it’s time to move to the next step.

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Choose the right platform

Building an engaging community is a surefire way to win your buyer’s trust and create a growing customer base.

Apart from your business website, your goal should be to establish a strong relationship with your audience through active social communities.

Depending on your buyer personas, you need to choose the platform that is going to attract traffic to your blog.

For example, visual storytelling has become a vital brand strategy.

Through social media platforms like Instagram, businesses can engage with their followers using features like Instagram stories or reels to create and share attractive visual content.

Similarly, Twitter can be used to share bite-size content like infographics, links to your blog posts, or surveys.

EngageBay tweets regularly

Educate your potential customers

As the main idea behind attraction marketing goes: do not be pushy. Help them instead.

In other words, you should not sell your product as a salesperson but as a thought leader or an industry expert. Your audience needs to be educated on certain subjects that relate to your business. Give them what they need and leave the buying decision to them.

With attraction marketing, you serve your audience with an ocean of resources and quality content first.

customer onboarding resources
EngageBay has a library of resources to help new users

Use these tactics in your attraction marketing:

  • Mention your brand or product name consistently.
  • Show how your product features can help with real-life examples.
  • Share positive customer feedback with all your audience.

Read also: Trade Show Marketing Strategy: From Planning To Action

Take SEO into consideration

Besides the high-quality content, SEO is yet another crucial factor for your search engine visibility.

SEO is the backbone of any organic marketing campaign. Your attraction marketing efforts would certainly be fruitless if you have no well-devised SEO strategy.

attraction marketing SEO strategy
EngageBay media

Search engine optimization includes some smart tactics like the following:

  • Use the main keyword and the LSI keywords throughout your content.
  • Use relevant keywords or phrases in image alt tags.
  • Add visual content such as videos and infographics.
  • Build backlinks from authoritative and relevant domains.

To ease the SEO implementation in your attraction marketing campaign, a CMS platform will cut out the hassle.

CMS or content management systems like WordPress are no-code platforms that come with various SEO functionalities.

Engage and socialize actively

Communication with your customers is an incredible tool to ace attraction marketing.

To bring your customers closer to the bottom of the sales funnel, it is important to be active on social media and respond to all customer queries.

Social media can be a great way to show your customers that you value them.

social media
Social media dashboard in EngageBay

Creating a sense of personal engagement by responding to comments. If some people in your target audience create good content, follow them and engage with their content. This can help your brand get more engagement from the right prospects.

Engage your followers in giveaways, contests, and quizzes, and make them feel special by running personalized campaigns.

In fact, research suggests that social media giveaways are an incredible way to boost follower count.

Try to close the deals smartly

Throughout your sales funnel, keep your end goal in mind. How do you plan to close your deals?

You should create content that does not only bring traffic or educate your audience but also helps you close more deals without making much of an effort on the sales pitch.

Using CTAs that look natural and sharing social proof of a happy clientele are proven ways to earn more qualified leads.

Even after you have closed the deal, you should continue to help your customers with new and updated resources, webinars, and other useful content to boost customer retention.

Read also: 10 Content Marketing Tips To Make Your Day

Attraction Marketing Content Types for Business

Storytelling and brand visualization has a major role to play in attraction marketing.

To master attraction marketing, businesses need to adopt certain content types in their marketing plan.

Let’s look at some of the best attraction marketing content types for businesses.

Personal Blog

A personal blog can be rewarding. Using your name as a domain name is one of the best practices that marketers have used to sell their products and services.

attraction marketing ideas -- diggity
Author screenshot

Matt Diggity is a renowned affiliate marketer that runs various affiliate sites. He uses his personal blog name ‘Diggity Marketing’ and shares tons of video content as well as blogs to educate his audience about SEO and affiliate marketing.

In his blogs, Matt does not explicitly promote his online courses. Instead, he shares case studies and real-life success stories that are intriguing enough for readers to check how his online courses can help them.


Alice Thorpe is a freelance graphic designer offering graphic designing services and a design course on Adobe Illustrator. Alice gets a major part of her traffic through her YouTube channel.

Attraction marketing example Alice Thorpe
Author screenshot

Her videos talk about the basics of graphic designing. These videos are often ‘How-To’ and ‘Roundup’ kind, which are popular formats on YouTube.

None of her videos directly sell her courses or graphic design services.

In attraction marketing, your brand voice should be authentic and seem natural. That’s what Alice does best.


Instagram is one of the most popular social selling platforms today.

It has a diverse user base, majorly comprising millennials and Gen Z.

By posting relevant content like Instagram stories, reels, IGTVs, or even photos consistently, you can get noticed by your target audience.

One of the best examples of leveraging Instagram for attraction marketing is business coach Lauren Tickner.

attraction marketing example Lauren Tickner
Author screenshot

Along with her pictures and videos, Lauren uses storytelling in her captions to capture the reader’s attention. Lauren tells her stories by breaking long text content into short paragraphs that are easily readable. 


Webinars are one of the best attraction marketing techniques for lead generation. Surely, eBooks and whitepapers can educate your audience, but webinars have their own place, and with a hybrid work life that is common now, webinars have become rather popular.

Most businesses use free webinars for lead generation, email list building, and even to get beta users. In fact, some brands conduct weekly webinars to educate their audience about their products and services.

Read also: Top 5 Essential Skills to Become a Professional Blogger


Attraction marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing content that attracts, acquires, and engages a clearly defined target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

Attraction marketing generally enhances brand visibility, pulls qualified leads, results in a better ROI, establishes thought leadership, and creates an overall boost to your sales funnel.

A powerful, all-in-one marketing automation and CRM solution like EngageBay can really help small business owners with their marketing efforts.

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