
7 Simple CRM Tools for Every Business Reviewed

The adoption of customer relationship management (CRM) systems has become more than a trend – it’s a necessity. As businesses strive to navigate the complexities of a competitive market, the need for streamlined and efficient tools to manage customer interactions has never been more critical.

According to recent studies, businesses that implement CRM systems experience, on average, a 29% increase in sales, a 34% boost in productivity, and a 42% enhancement in customer retention (source). These compelling statistics underscore the profound impact of an effective CRM implementation on a company’s bottom line and overall success.

This guide will delve into the world of simple CRM solutions – tools meticulously designed to bring the power of customer relationship management to businesses of all sizes without the complexity that often accompanies robust CRM platforms. 

From solopreneurs and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMBs) to startups navigating their initial stages, this guide aims to demystify the importance of simple CRM solutions and provide a list of top tools for maximum efficiency and growth. 


Understanding the Concept of Simple CRM Software

CRM might sound like a complex business term, but at its core, it’s a tool that helps businesses build better relationships with their customers. 

A simple CRM solution serves as a digital version of a notebook where you jot down important details about your friends – their birthdays, preferences, and the last time you caught up with them. 

It helps you remember who your customers are, what they like, and when they last interacted. By doing this, businesses can provide better services, send personalized messages, and, most importantly, keep their customers happy.

Let’s understand its basic mechanism. Sara owns a small cafe and decides to use a simple CRM tool. 

Sara enters her customers’ details into the CRM system – names, contact information, and favorite items from the menu. Every order placed is recorded within the CRM software. This way, she knows who her regulars are and what they love.

The CRM software sends Sara reminders about special occasions, like customers’ birthdays. She can then send a personalized message or offer a discount to make her customers feel appreciated.

If Sara introduces a new beverage, the CRM solution helps her track which customers tried it and whether they liked it. This helps her adjust her offerings based on customer preferences.

Using a simple CRM system enables Sara to focus on more strategic parts, such as designing menus while the tool takes care of the customer details. It’s like having a helpful assistant who ensures no customer is forgotten and every interaction is meaningful.

(For a good understanding of how to use customer data, read our detailed guide)

The Importance of Simple CRM Systems

The term CRM has become synonymous with efficiency, growth, and customer satisfaction. However, the complexity and costliness of robust CRM systems often pose challenges for startups and small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). 

Challenge #1: The complexity conundrum

Robust CRM systems, laden with intricate features and functionalities, can be overwhelming. For startups and SMBs operating with limited resources and personnel, the learning curve associated with these complex systems can hinder their ability to harness the full potential of CRM software. 

The complexity often results in underutilization and a failure to extract the intended value.

Challenge #2: The cost challenge

Traditional CRM solutions come with hefty price tags that include licensing fees as well as training and maintenance costs. This financial burden is a significant deterrent for startups and SMBs with tight budgets. Investing a substantial portion of resources in a complex CRM tool may divert funds away from other critical aspects of business development.

Enter simple CRM solutions, the antidote for startups and SMBs, offering a user-friendly, cost-effective, and scalable approach to customer relationship management.

Here are the top four benefits of using simple CRM software for your business. 

Ease of adoption

Businesses, especially smaller ones, often lack the resources for extensive training. Simple CRM solutions are designed for easy adoption, minimizing the learning curve and ensuring a smooth transition for teams.


Simple CRM tools are not only simpler to use but also lighter on the wallet. Their pricing models are often more transparent, eliminating hidden costs and allowing startups and SMBs to budget more effectively. 

This affordability ensures that businesses of all sizes can access the tools they need without breaking the bank.

Faster implementation

Time is of the essence for startups and SMBs, and a lengthy implementation process can be a hindrance. Simple CRM systems typically boast quick setup times, allowing businesses to hit the ground running and see immediate benefits. 

This agility is vital for startups aiming for rapid growth and market penetration.

Scalability without complexity

As startups and SMBs expand, their CRM systems need to evolve. Simple CRM solutions provide scalability without sacrificing simplicity. Businesses can grow without the headaches associated with migrating to more complex systems, ensuring a seamless transition as they mature.

Read also: The 8 Biggest Benefits of Cloud Based CRM

Categories of Simple CRM Solutions

Simple CRM solutions come in various categories, each tailored to meet the specific needs of different businesses based on their size, structure, and objectives. 

Here are some common categories of CRM software. 

CRM tools for solopreneurs

Solopreneurs often juggle multiple roles and need a CRM platform that is both simple and effective.

Managing clients, leads, and tasks can quickly become overwhelming without the right organizational tools. That’s where CRM software for solopreneurs steps in – a must-have solution designed to simplify your workload and help you focus on what you do best. 

Here are the key features to look for while choosing a simple CRM tool for your one-person-army business. 

Contact management

As a solopreneur, your network is your treasure trove. CRM systems for solopreneurs should provide a centralized hub to store and manage all your contacts. 

From customer details to communication history, having everything in one place makes it a breeze to stay organized.

Task tracking

Solopreneurs have to perform multiple tasks, including planning, execution, support, etc. 

A good CRM software allows you to track tasks, set reminders, and stay on top of deadlines. Whether it’s following up with a potential client or sending out invoices, a task-oriented CRM solution ensures nothing falls through the cracks.

Email marketing

Solopreneurs often find themselves stretched thin. CRM automation comes to the rescue by handling repetitive tasks like sending welcome emails, appointment reminders, or follow-up messages. 

This not only saves time but also ensures consistent communication with your clients.


Solopreneurs are always on the move. The best CRM system for solopreneurs is one that adapts to your lifestyle. 

Cloud-based CRMs allow you to access your client information and business data from anywhere, ensuring you stay connected and responsive, whether you are in the office or on the go.

Read also: 9 CRM Tools for Web Designers to Streamline Client Management

CRM systems for SMBs

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) require robust CRM software that can scale with their growth. 

An effective CRM system can integrate customer data, elevate customer interactions, and streamline operations. This helps SMBs build strong relationships with clients and optimize their sales pipelines.

Here are the key features to look for while choosing a simple CRM for your small business.

Integrated marketing and sales automation

SMBs have to ensure maximum efficiency with limited resources. A good CRM solution for SMBs will seamlessly integrate marketing and sales automation tools. 

This integration ensures a cohesive approach to lead generation, nurturing, and conversion. By automating repetitive tasks, such as email campaigns or lead scoring, SMBs can optimize their marketing and sales efforts.

Scalability for growth

SMBs aspire to grow, and their CRM should be a catalyst for that expansion. 

CRM systems designed for SMBs offer scalability without the unnecessary complexities often associated with larger enterprise solutions. 

As the business evolves, the CRM can adapt, accommodating a growing customer base and an expanding team.

Collaboration tools

CRM solutions designed for SMBs often incorporate collaboration tools, enabling seamless communication and information sharing among team members. This ensures everyone is on the same page, enhancing productivity and teamwork.

Cost-effective solutions

Recognizing the budget constraints of SMBs, CRM solutions in this category are designed to be cost-effective. Subscription models, scalable pricing, and transparent cost structures make these CRMs accessible to SMBs, enabling them to invest in a tool that delivers value without straining their financial resources.

Read also: 15 Email CRM Software for Pro-Level Marketing in 2024

CRM software for startups

Startups are engines of innovation and growth, constantly adapting to an ever-changing business landscape. Simple CRM solutions for startups should focus on quick onboarding, collaboration features, and scalability to accommodate growth.

Let’s explore the key features to consider when selecting a CRM suite tailored to the dynamic requirements of startups.

Rapid onboarding 

Startups operate in a fast-paced environment, often requiring quick implementation. A CRM tool for startups should offer a swift onboarding process, allowing teams to get up and running without the need for extensive training. 

The quick implementation ensures that valuable time is spent on building relationships and driving the business forward rather than navigating a complex setup.

Lead management 

In the early stages, startups often focus intensely on lead generation and conversion. A startup-friendly CRM tool should excel in lead management, enabling efficient tracking of potential customers from initial contact to conversion. 

The pipeline tracking features help startups visualize and manage their leads, ensuring no opportunity is overlooked.

Analytics for decision-making

Data-driven decisions are key to success for any organization. A CRM platform with robust analytics features provides insights into customer behavior, sales performance, and overall business trends. 

These analytics empower startup founders and teams with the information needed to make informed strategic decisions.

Integration with essential tools

Startups often rely on a suite of tools for various functions, from project management to marketing automation. A CRM solution that integrates seamlessly with these essential tools enhances efficiency by centralizing data and streamlining workflows. 

Integration capabilities are crucial for startups aiming to create a cohesive and interconnected business ecosystem.

Read also: The 7 Best CRM for Startups (Pricing, Features)

Details and Reviews of The Most Simple CRM Systems

Here’s everything you need to know before signing up.

1. EngageBay 

EngageBay - a simple CRM for small businesses

EngageBay stands out as one of the best simple CRM solutions in the market, as it offers a comprehensive and streamlined approach to managing marketing, sales, and customer service. 

It bridges the gap by simplifying complex processes, providing a unified platform, and offering features that cater to the entire customer lifecycle. With EngageBay, businesses no longer need to compromise on functionality or affordability.

It ensures that there is no more siloed data or disjointed workflows by bringing everything together in one place.

What it offers

  • Advanced automation capabilities

Automation is the heartbeat of modern CRM software, and EngageBay takes it to the next level. With advanced automation capabilities, businesses can automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and engage with customers at every stage of the journey. 

From lead nurturing to post-sales follow-ups, EngageBay’s automation empowers businesses to operate efficiently and focus on what matters most.

  • Customization options 

Every business is unique, and EngageBay recognizes this diversity. The platform offers extensive customization options, allowing businesses to tailor the CRM suite to their specific needs. Whether you are self-employed, running a startup, or own a small business, it provides the flexibility needed to thrive.


EngageBay review


The platform offers a transparent pricing model, ensuring businesses know exactly what they are paying for. The affordability of EngageBay’s pricing plans makes it an accessible solution for startups, SMBs, and enterprises alike, democratizing the power of advanced CRM tools.

  • Free
  • Basic: $14.99 per user per month
  • Growth: $64.99 per user per month
  • Pro: $119.99 per user per month

Best suited for 

EngageBay offers free plans for solopreneurs as well as affordable paid plans for SMBs and startups to get started. Moreover, its premium plan allows you to easily scale your database and add more users without the need to switch to another CRM system.

Read also: The Best CRM Tools for Small Business Owners

2. Freshsales

Freshsales - CRM platform

Freshsales is a user-friendly CRM solution meticulously designed for high-velocity sales teams. With a focus on simplicity and efficiency, it offers a suite of features to elevate lead management, communication, and collaboration, making it a valuable asset for businesses navigating fast-paced sales environments.

What it offers

  • Unified view of customers

Freshsales consolidates customer data into a unified view, ensuring that sales teams have a comprehensive understanding of their customers. This feature eliminates the need to toggle between various tools and platforms, fostering efficiency and informed decision-making.

  • Intelligent assistant

A notable feature of Freshsales is its intelligent assistant, which leverages automation and AI to support sales representatives in their daily tasks. From automating follow-ups to providing insights into customer interactions, the intelligent assistant enhances productivity and enables sales teams to focus on building meaningful relationships.


Freshsales CRM review


Freshsales offers affordable pricing plans, making it an excellent choice for startups and small businesses looking for advanced features.

  • Free
  • Growth: Starts at $15
  • Pro: Starts at $39
  • Enterprise: Starts at $69

Best suited for

Freshsales is ideal for businesses aiming to prioritize leads effectively and enhance email communication.

Read also: A Close Look At The Top 8 CRM Tools For Sales Reps

3. Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM pricing shared

Zoho CRM stands out as a versatile and scalable solution designed to empower businesses by automating sales processes, elevating customer engagement, and fostering overall growth. Its intuitive platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses across various industries.

What it offers

  • Workflow automation

Zoho CRM streamlines complex business processes through powerful workflow automation. This feature allows businesses to design and automate tasks, ensuring efficiency and consistency in their operations.

  • AI-powered analytics

Leveraging the capabilities of artificial intelligence, Zoho CRM provides advanced analytics to help businesses make data-driven decisions. The AI-powered analytics offer insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and performance metrics, facilitating a more strategic approach to business operations.


Zoho CRM review


Zoho CRM offering begins with a free version, and affordable plans cater to diverse business needs, making it a cost-effective choice for both startups and established enterprises.

  • Free
  • Standard: $14 per user per month
  • Professional: $23 per user per month
  • Enterprise: $40 per user per month

Best suited for

Suited for businesses of all sizes, Zoho CRM is particularly beneficial for those seeking a scalable solution equipped with advanced automation and analytics capabilities. 

Read also: Zoho Alternatives: 15 CRM Solutions For Smart Sales Teams

4. HubSpot

HubSpot CRM system

HubSpot CRM is a user-friendly and intuitive solution that empowers businesses with robust tools for managing customer relationships. It integrates seamlessly with HubSpot’s suite of marketing and sales products, providing a comprehensive platform.

What it offers

  • Contact and lead management

HubSpot CRM serves as a centralized hub, simplifying the management of customer data. This feature ensures a unified view, making it easier to nurture relationships.

  • Sales automation

Businesses can automate repetitive tasks and optimize sales processes, allowing teams to focus on building meaningful connections with clients.


Hubspot CRM review


HubSpot CRM is free, making it an excellent choice for startups and small businesses looking for essential CRM features without breaking the bank.

  • Professional: Starts at $1,600 
  • Enterprise: Starts at $5,000

Best suited for

While HubSpot CRM offers a free solution perfect for solopreneurs taking their first steps into CRM implementation, it may not be the best fit for SMBs or startups with plans for rapid scaling. 

Read also: 14 Surprisingly Awesome HubSpot Alternatives Compared

5. Pipedrive 

Pipedrive CRM platform

Pipedrive is an intuitive CRM system designed for sales teams, offering a user-friendly interface and robust features. With a strategic emphasis on visual pipeline management, Pipedrive offers a clear and efficient way to streamline sales workflows.

What it offers

  • Visual sales pipeline

Pipedrive’s strength lies in its visual interface, offering a crystal-clear depiction of the sales pipeline. This feature empowers teams to efficiently track, manage efficiently, and prioritize deals throughout the sales cycle.

  • Email tracking

Pipedrive understands the importance of communication. The CRM suite includes advanced email tracking features, allowing users to monitor engagement metrics, optimize communication strategies, and tailor their approach based on real-time insights.


Pipedrive CRM review


Pipedrive offers a wide range of pricing plans for different sizes of businesses. 

  • Essential: $9.90 per user per month 
  • Advanced: $19.90 per user per month 
  • Professional: $39.90 per user per month 
  • Power: $49.90 per user per month 
  • Enterprise: $59.90 per user per month 

Best suited for

Pipedrive offers a range of pricing plans starting from affordable options, making it suitable for small businesses and startups looking for a sales-focused CRM tool.

Read also: 13 Perfect Pipedrive Alternatives That Can Do More

6. Agile CRM

Agile CRM solution

Agile CRM is an all-in-one solution designed to streamline sales, marketing, and customer service. With a user-friendly interface, it offers automation and collaboration features for enhanced efficiency.

What it offers

  • Marketing automation

Agile CRM empowers businesses with robust marketing automation tools. Users can create targeted campaigns, automate repetitive tasks, and nurture leads effectively, ensuring a personalized and streamlined marketing approach.

  • Telephony integration

A standout feature of Agile CRM is its seamless integration of telephony features. Users can make calls and send texts directly from the platform, eliminating the need for separate communication tools. This integrated telephony enhances collaboration and ensures a unified communication experience.


Agile CRM review


Agile CRM offers both free plans and competitive pricing for premium plans. 

  • Free
  • Starter: $8.99 per user per month
  • Regular: $29.99 per user per month
  • Enterprise: $47.99 per user per month

Best suited for

Agile CRM offers a free plan, making it accessible for solopreneurs and startups seeking an all-encompassing CRM solution.

Read also: 11 Agile CRM Alternatives And Why They’re Better

7. Insightly

Insightly CRM

Insightly is a simple CRM solution that also meets the needs of project management. Its user-friendly interface and robust features make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to foster efficient collaboration across teams.

What it offers

  • Project management integration

Insightly seamlessly integrates project management tools with CRM functionalities. This unique feature facilitates easy collaboration, bringing project details and customer interactions into one unified platform.

  • Relationship linking

Users can effortlessly link contacts, organizations, and opportunities, providing a holistic view that enhances decision-making and customer engagement.


Insightly review


Insightly offers different pricing plans, including – 

  • Plus: $29 per user per month
  • Professional: $49 per user per month 
  • Enterprise: $99 per user per month

Best suited for

Insightly is ideal for SMBs and startups looking for a CRM solution with a strong project management integration. 

Read also: 12 Incredible Insightly Alternatives for Small Businesses

Wrap Up

Businesses have witnessed a transformative shift with the advent of simple CRM solutions. These agile solutions have emerged as strategic allies for solopreneurs, startups, and SMBs alike. 

From contact and lead management to automation and scalability, simple CRM tools provide the essential toolkit for growth without the unnecessary complexities that often accompany robust CRM systems.

Sign up for the free demo of EngageBay to get started today! 

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