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Descripción general de la integración de SMSCountry

Streamline your communication by utilizing the SMSCountry and EngageBay integration for sending SMS messages. Enhance engagement with your contacts through personalized, targeted SMS strategies, leveraging the capabilities of EngageBay for sending SMS from Contacts, Companies, Deals, Tasks, and through automations and workflows.

Con EngageBay - SMSCountry Integration, puede:

  • Send SMS for notifications, reminders, or marketing directly from EngageBay CRM.
  • Use EngageBay to automate and customize your SMS.
  • Track SMS success with advanced tools.
  • Ensure your message lands with reliable delivery.

Funciones de integración de EngageBay-SMSCountry

One-click SMS

Efficiently send SMS messages from your EngageBay CRM with a simple click. Avoid the hassle of juggling between applications and enhance your communication strategy.

Personalized Messaging & Tracking

Craft personalized SMS messages using the data from your EngageBay CRM, including Contacts, Companies, Deals, and Tasks. Automations allow for tailored messages, and responses are logged for each contact, facilitating a deeper understanding of engagement levels.

Segmentation & Targeted Communication

Easily segment your audience within EngageBay CRM to ensure your SMS messages resonate with the recipient's preferences and actions.

Automation & Workflow Integration

Incorporate SMS sending capabilities into your automated workflows for a streamlined process, from appointment reminders to task notifications, directly within EngageBay CRM.

Gestionar citas de forma eficiente

Al usar las automatizaciones en EngageBay CRM, puede configurar confirmaciones de citas, actualizaciones y recordatorios en un flujo de trabajo, para que nunca tenga que preocuparse por ellos.

Analytics & Insights

Leverage SMSCountry's detailed delivery reports within EngageBay CRM to gauge the effectiveness of your SMS communication efforts, allowing for data-driven adjustments and optimizations.


SMSCountry se conecta e integra con estas características de EngageBay

Automation Workflows
Forma de fondo de pantalla


Insignias G2
Insignias G2
Insignias G2
Insignias G2
Insignias G2
Insignias G2
Insignias G2
Insignias G2
Insignias G2
Insignias G2

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