
EngageBay’s Live chat lets you deliver faster

EngageBay’s Live chat lets you deliver faster and personalized support to your customers and have real-time conversations.

Live chat

Flexible ticket views to suit everyone!

Views help you organize your tickets by grouping them into lists based on different criteria. You can create a view for solved tickets that are assigned to you, a view for new tickets that need to be assigned, or a view for pending tickets. Using views can help you determine which tickets need attention from you or your team and plan accordingly.

A view consists of one or more conditions that define a collection of tickets to display. If the conditions are met, the ticket is included in the view. By using views you can easily search for tickets based on different criteria.

Simple yet Smarter

Give your customers the fastest, most effective way to interact with support agents to get their queries solved. Send a proactive message to initiate a chat. Gather customer information and behavior to personalize your approach. Have multiple agents join the chat to solve queries.

multiple agents join the chat

Track your customer behavior

View customer information in a single channel, manage and reach out from one place. Get complete visibility on your customer behavior using EngageBay LiveChat and personalize your approach. Track customer's location and journey on your website (Current page, pages visited, time spent). Receive emails when visitors initiate a chat and you are not available

Track your customer behavior

Collaborate for quick solutions

Multiple team members can assist a customer to combine knowledge and resolve issues quickly. Agents can add personalized notes to each chat for future references. Also, get access to all previous conversations to assist customers better. View customer interactions from all channels on one dashboard

assist a customer

Use feedback to boost agent performance

Know how quickly your support team is responding and set average response time goals. Let customers leave feedback after each chat which lets you measure their experience and also your agents performance. Get a complete overview to see your team performance across both Sales & Support.

feedback to boost agent performance

Interactive Screen Sharing

Have a seamless and secure screen share every time using EngageBay Live chat. Avoid third-party downloads; Interact with your customer’s web screen in real time using our Co-browsing. Navigate customers through your website by switching pages for them.

Interactive Screen Sharing
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