Regular product news, blog update, and other emails relating to a business are essential to keep user interest towards the product or service you provide. They subscribe to your site because they have a certain interest in what you have to offer. It is your responsibility to not disappoint them by providing useful content that will pique their interest.
Email sequences play a perfect role in the delivery of such content. An email sequence is a series of emails sent based on pre-set time intervals to users added to the sequence whether manually or with the use of automation or workflow. The start of email sequence sending is based on the time when the user gets added to the sequence.
EngageBay email sequences allows you to create rich content with access to rich text editor and HTML to make the content more appealing. It also allows you to set up regular sending interval based on the time that the user joined the Sequence.
Inspiration is required to make good content and you cannot schedule these moments of enlightenment. EngageBay recognizes that and allows you to save your creative ideas and share them at a later time.
The steps below will show you how to create Email Sequences in EngageBay:
1. On the EngageBay dashboard, hover your mouse over 'Campaign' tab and choose 'Sequences' then click on the “create sequence” button to create a sequence.
2. Name your sequence then you can work on the configuration of the first email in the sequence.
3. Click on the email in the sequence and under 'Content' sub-tab, you can set the time delay for this email as to when it needs to be sent after a contact is added to the sequence. You may format your message/content to make it look better or even use a pre-saved template.
4.Under the 'Settings' tab of the same email, you can set the from email and schedule what days as to when the sequence(s) will be sent(including time and timezone). You can also set exclusion of a list of all contacts satisfying a filter condition or both. Be sure to press save once you are done entering all settings.
5. If you need to add more emails under the same sequence, please press “Add Email” option and repeat steps 3 and 4 for the new email you added.
6. Once you are done setting up all emails in the sequence be sure to press the save button. It's time you have to add contacts to the email sequence for the emails to be delivered to them.
You can do it manually by going to contact details and adding a contact to a sequence.
You can also go to contacts and select all or a couple of contacts then add then to sequence via “bulk action”.
You can also automate adding of contacts to a sequence with the use of “automation” and/or “workflow”.
On your Sequences dashboard, it would show the statistics of each sequence you enabled. It would show the following data:
1. Open rate - the percentage of emails opened compared to the total number of emails sent.
2. Click rate - number of clicks as compared to the total emails sent.
3. Clicks - the actual number of clicks.
4. Unsubscribers - the actual number of people who unsubscribed.
When you click on an email that was already delivered within a sequence, you will see the report tab. It will show you actual data of contacts to whom the email is sent and the action they have taken, if any.
I wanted to recommend EngageBay to all those small businesses out there that are looking to grow their businesses through a marketing and sales automation platform. We've been able to see a great adaption of our agency clients to the EngageBay platform and being able to leverage their digital marketing efforts.