A Smart List contains a set of contacts grouped based on a specific category determined by a filter or a set of filters. It also updates automatically when a new contact is added that satisfies the same set of conditions set for that “Smart List”. It simply means that you made a group of contacts based on certain criteria, it may be interest, age group, country, gender or any other factor common to a set of contacts which may be useful for your Marketing campaign.
The steps below will show you how to create a "Smart List" in EngageBay:
In this guide, we will be making a Smart list that will group all contacts coming from the United States. This is to simply show how it works. The concept of making a smart list is pretty much the same and the conditions you can use are simple. Just check steps below to make it easy for you to find your way around the system.
1. On your dashboard, hover your mouse over "Contacts" tab on the top menu and click on "Lists"
2. Click on "Create List" button over the upper right side.
3. It will open a "pane" where you can configure the setting of your list. Name your list first for easy identification. Make sure "Smart List" radio button is ticked, then click on "Add Condition" to start defining the conditions for the list.
4. There are so many ways you can set up conditions. You can even set up a series of conditions in a single Smart list. In this case, we are just choosing a country which is the United States. Once you are done with set up, please do not forget to save.
5. You will now see the "Smart List" you have created and when you open it, it will show your contacts coming from the US and it will automatically add all new contacts from US to the list.
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